1 hour, 43 minutes

Of torture!!!!

But I am proud to say I completed my first half marathon (!!)…and I’m still alive to tell you all about it!!

My final time (according to my iPod stopwatch) was 1:43:27

Not too bad considering my goal was to finish not come in last.  I actually kinda kicked some ass. 


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Comments (17)

  1. Sharon

    AWESOME JOB!!!!!

  2. FoodsThatFit

    You ROCK!!! Way to go girl!!!!

  3. Run Sarah

    AMAZING time! Wow, I am soo impressed… CONGRATS!

  4. glidingcalm

    wow! great job!!!

  5. Courtney

    Congratulations! That is awesome–you did great! That time is nothing to sneeze at :o)


  6. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)

    Kicked some ass? I’ll say. Congrats on an amazing time Elise…now go drink some electrolytes! 🙂

  7. K from ksgoodeats

    CONGRATS!!! Now go refuel with plenty of hummus, bread, and soynut buttah 😉

  8. Nutritious is Delicious


  9. melissa

    great job!

  10. Simple and Divine

    You effing kick ASS. Seriously, you WOULD look GORGEOUS after completing a half mar 😀 So proud of our Carob Queeen! love.

  11. Erica

    oh my gosh congrats! Such a cute pic of you too! HOOOORAY!

  12. jesslikesithot


    2 of my brothers ran in a half this morning and had similar times, I was very impressed by their times and I’m very impressed by yours!! I hope you ate all the little dried fruit your hands could grab after that!

  13. Julie

    CONGRATS!!!! now get your food on by blowdrying some noodles haha 🙂 yay for running the half! it was gorgeous weather to do it in!!

  14. Andrea of Care to Eat

    I would definitely say you kicked ass! You even look cute afterwards! I hate you. 🙂

  15. kristen

    holy crap you’re a fast runner! That’s so awesome, you should be SO PROUD of yourself!!

  16. Erin of Care to Eat


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