Monthly Archive: August 2008

3 days of catch up

Ok well I have had a streak of over eating, which might soon become a problem. So now let me write it all out, expose my shameful behavior so I can be freed of my guilt and turn over a new leaf. DAYAM! It will be brief though since I can’t even remember what kind of shit went down.I worked on Wednesday the 27th, and as far as I remember I had coffee from Bruno’s and then ate the lunch I packed (consisting of the usual sandwich). It was also made on the new kind… Read more >

back to the grind?

Well, today was a good work day, and a good eating day UNTIL 10 pm…then I got the late night hunger pangs that wouldn’t release me. As strong as I tried to be, I failed. I was a bad girl – I opened and finished a few different containers in the same sitting. UGH! And I was doing so well, too. Damn it damn it damn it. So, here’s how the day started. I had a coffee at Bruno’s (4 stars for today’s brew). I packed my lunch the night before (see the sando pictured… Read more >

Gym day

I slept in big time today. It was really nice since I stayed up so late last night after my pm eating sesh. So I had 2 full cups of coffee today, which I made nearly latte-like with ff Lactaid that Kyle picked up for me on his way back from the gym (since I left him a million different notes). For some reason the other milk smells funky. No pictures because its not exciting, just coffee. Then I went to the gym and did 60 minutes on the elliptical followed by abs and stretching…. Read more >

Sunday sunday sunday

So after starting out the day looking at my favorite food blogs, I have decided I NEED to try this new restaurant called Candle Café (on East 79th and Lexington). I could order the entire menu in a heartbeat. Looks like I have another thing for my to-do list. I am including this photo because I had a couple handfuls on the late night as a snack. I think I only got hungry because Kyle was making a monstrous ice cream chocolate peanut butter milkshake. So even though I was on my 8th Snapple I… Read more >

fake anniversary – 4 years and still going…

We slept in forever today. Seriously, it was 11 am when we finally dragged ourselves from the bedroom to the couch. It was nice and relaxing to just veg out with coffee and my baby. I had one and a half cups, and then we decided to hit up the gym. But then we had a change of plans, the weather was so fabulous outside that we had to go for a run in the park. I charted the run on and it was a little over a 10K and I ran it in… Read more >