Monthly Archive: February 2010

‘Fu master

This is how my food prepping has been going… TOFU you are my b!tch Clearly I have been a busy little bee on my days off.  Busy with LA SOYA that is!  To provide myself with several meal options, I mixed things up in the seasoning department.  From L to R: plain cubed, plain slabs, Whole Foods’ asian seasonings, and chili powder/paprika). After some bonding time in the oven, they came out looking like this: Shrinkage. Spice-ayyy. And here’s how I’ve been gittin’ my soy on. Meal numero uno: Big salad with mayj crunch, including… Read more >

Shiitake, cannellini & kale soup

I didn’t intend for this to be a stew, but the extra juice was too good to waste. This dish was born from my desire to try new things…and a while back I mentioned that I wanted to experiment with new types of ‘shrooms (in a legal way)…so I bought some Shiitake mushrooms from Whole Foods and started brainstorming what to do with them.   It took me a while to decide how to incorporate them into a recipe, but then a light bulb went off (does anyone else experience cooking related “AHA moments” while… Read more >