Monthly Archive: April 2012

Tofu for Two

I feel like I could be one of the luckiest people ever because my husband craves (as in, actually requests without arm twisting) big salads and tofu dishes for dinner.  Seriously.  I’m either the world’s best cook (nope, that’s not it) or I won the lottery in finding my soul mate (sounds more likely). Naturally I oblige 100% of the time (I approach his veggie cravings like a rare bird watcher, not wanting to scare them off by making any noise or ruffling any feathers).  So even if I’m in a comfort food kind of… Read more >

Coveting comfort (giveaway)

Last week I teased you all with a post showing off my newest obsession, Gluten-Free Vegan Comfort Food by Susan O’Brien.   My comfort cravings have only intensified in the last week… Case in point: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, pizza.  Yeah, I like this cookbook. Some other recipes I have highlighted for April include: home-made cashew milk, amaranth breakfast bowl, cheesy spoonbread, marinated tempeh, raw cinnamon rolls, and green curry peanut sauce with spinach and red rice.   I’ve already read the entire book from cover to cover (like most people read literature).  And I… Read more >

Pizza, peeta, pizza

I’ve been in a really big pizza rut. Rut has a negative connotation though.  I’m quite content with the pizza phase. Last month, for example, I ate pizza no less than 5 times. First, there was this surprise pizza lunch. Then I made these guys from home-made GF vegan bread that sucked (as bread, but worked as pizza crust). And I got this Daiya delight from the co-op. Twice! See?  Pizza on the brain! So it was surprising, but also not surprising, that after seeing Katniss start a revolution I wanted pizza AGAIN. Hostaria del… Read more >

Blooming health

Is it really April?  Seems like I was just saying that about March. This past month was pure madness though…moving apartments, a funeral, Kyle’s birthday, ExpoWest, Seinfeld standup, Laura’s last days in the US, a few trips to Nor Cal, antibiotics… I’d really love to finally get settled in April. As a way to encourage me to write about more than food (aka self-reflect) I signed up for the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge (#HAWMC).  You can join me if you’d like.  I’m not sure I’ll be doing every single one because it seems like… Read more >

The most ill

It’s been 4 days since I turned on the computer. And almost just as long since I slept through the night. Guys, it’s been a rough week for me. Remember last weekend when I mentioned the onset of a cold coming?  Well, my stubborn refusal to call in sick backfired in a HUGE way.  I was worthless all Monday and Tuesday…I did get to see the Hunger Games, but otherwise I rested and ate and rested all day long.  Wednesday and Thursday were even worse and I had to call in sick for both days. … Read more >