Monthly Archive: January 2013

Snack snack snack

I feel like this is what every third trimester soon-to-be-mom says at some point, but to hell with the cliché.  I HAVE NO MORE ROOM.  Ugh. I’m so full and it’s depressing that it’s not from food.  Ok, that sounded bad.  I don’t mean I’m depressed that my son is a big healthy baby – that makes me very very happy.  What I’m bummed about is that I cannot honor my voracious hippie appetite in the way that I’m accustomed to doing.  I wanna freakin’ chow down and it’s just uncomfortable.  Lame.  So much for… Read more >

Please help my pathetic rolls

That thing up there.  That’s home-made sushi. Yeah.  I know.  [The fact that I had to explain what a food photo is…speaks volumes…right?] I’m really not sure what I’m worse at – rolling or slicing.  But it was bad guys.  Really bad.  I welcome all comments that can assist in future sushi making.  Clearly skimming the pamphlet that came with the sushi mat (back when I got it four years ago) wasn’t enough. For filling ingredients we went kinda untraditional. This was a tofu spread that I made with extra firm tofu, tahini, and soy… Read more >

Super simple strata for the weekend

Making breakfast at night for the next day is dangerous.  Because no matter how full you are, the aroma of baked stuff is just too powerful.  This is Kyle’s reaction to the strata coming out of the oven. He said (and this is a real quote) “I’m just going to take this upstairs into bed with me now, okay?”.  Uh, no.  Not okay. “Pleaseeeee?”   The weird part was how much this smelled like butter.  As it was baking, I checked on it a few times (more times than I normally would have) because it… Read more >

In with the new!

Well, I’m not in love with the number 2013, but oh well.  365 days of this odd number (it’s not prime, but it may as well be). Don’t worry, I have ZERO desire to list out resolutions for the new year.  I don’t know about you but I hate that crap*.  I try to (self) reflect and examine how I can improve my lifestyle throughout the year.  January 1st is just another rabbit rabbit.  Your body can’t tell the difference between this day and April 16th, so make good choices whenever you figure out what… Read more >