22 days

That’s how we roll

So…hi again!  I took some time off.  And it was lovely.  Maybe too lovely?  It made me wonder if quitting HHH was an imminent reality… My free time is so precious now.  But I do love having this space to share my latest food and life stuffs…   But I have a job.  And a kid.  And a husband.  And yadda yadda.  I’m triaging my life like a freakin’ ER nurse.  Priority #1 is family.  And as you have now noticed, the blog is definitely on the backburner.  That’s how I roll.  C’est la vie…. Read more >

Mother’s Day weekend

What an amazing weekend.  Not just because I got showered with love.  With or without Mother’s Day, this past Saturday and Sunday were just plain awesome. Kyle was down in LA on Friday for a conference, so I was solo parenting again. I broke the fast with a bowl of overnight oats.  Man, it’s been a while since I made these!  I basically just added boiling water to some oats the night before, along with a few big spoons of peanut butter.  Then I stirred it all up and left it in the fridge so… Read more >

Progress pics & the week in food

May already!  The time flying by is even more noticeable now that I have a kiddo who gets bigger by the day second.  Most of his weight is going to his cheeks, which I love love love. Oh, hey, I can grab rings, no biggie. This week was a busy one for us as we were out of town all last weekend.  Lots of things to still get straightened away in setting up our house.  Ugh!  Moving takes forever.  Also, Kyle left mid-week for a bachelor party (yes, the festivities began on Wednesday).  So we… Read more >