
The latest food discoveries

Baby (food) post coming ‘atcha.  If you have no interest, just close the browser. Here are a few new tricks and trials I have to share… -I’ve discovered a way to make apples (and hard/unripe pears) the perfect consistency for P to eat without the work of cooking them.  I just chop the fruit and freeze it (raw).  Once it’s been frozen for at least a day, I thaw it and voila!  It’s soft and semi-mushy and I can feed it to him straight away.  I have frozen fruit for two months and it still… Read more >

[more] omni meals for the family

Leading up to our trip, I tried to make the most of what we had leftover in the kitchen and freezer.  The meals were mostly huge salads with grains – my effort to be cheap and use up every single perishable item in the house so nothing went to waste.  As you can imagine, these weren’t the most inventive or exciting meals (also they were insanely repetitive) so I didn’t bother taking pics.  I did, however, have photos of some of our dinners from the previous week that I never got around to sharing…so here… Read more >

Hidden greens

Another post on allergy friendly baby meals (and other ideas/thoughts/notes).   Here we are at 12 months… I was telling my mom recently that each day it feels like two steps forward & one step back in the eating department.  [Actually I said one step forward, two steps back, but we really are moving in the positive so that’s an inaccurate portrayal of the situation] Truth be told, I bet all parents feel like this, even the ones without children with allergies.  Some days he eats everything that touches his tray, other days he refuses… Read more >

Omni meal plans

I’ve been keeping up with weekly meal planning for almost a year now – with random weeks off due to travel/holidays/etc..  But for the most part, it’s been a very successful technique in keeping our food budget in check.  I thought it would be way more expensive once we started including meat, but it hasn’t been too significant of a difference because the marginal increase in animal protein is balanced by the fact that we all eat the same thing (thus, a decrease in overall ingredients).  One meal as opposed to three.  At least for… Read more >

My highlights: week 2

Hey hey!  It was a good week around these parts.  I got some time to hang with girlfriends, I took P to the library and the zoo, and I even fit in several workouts.  Happy dance.  🙂 Here are some photos I took throughout. Beet, carrots, apple, ginger juice + an article from my dad about the range of GI/immune responses to oats.  Gluten is one tricky beast. Hilarious pose.  This kid kills me. Do you have a textual relationship with your sushi provider?  Guilty! I looked over and…this.  Standing is now his fave.  Ok,… Read more >