carob covered raisins

hummus soup

Sundays = the end of the weekend SAD! Unfortunately, this Sunday was especially blah. The cloudy, overcast weather pretty much reflected how I felt.  Enter caffeine love. In the interest of preserving my current mood, I’m going to stop reflecting on yesterday’s thoughts…just know I was kinda a Debbie Downer all day.  I’m not sure why, as there was no true reason I should feel gloomy – I was just stuck in a funk. Blueberry chobz + dried papaya spears + apple slices + melon = pretty fruity breakfast! After my AM sugar loading, I… Read more >

MY place

Workity work. I was up with the cock-a-doodle-doo this morning…I’m not sure why, but for the fifth day in a row I woke up at 4 am on the dot (without my alarm even going off).  Whatever.  I dragged myself to the subway, and woke up a bit more along the way… What’s there to say.  Work was work was work was work.  I was craaaazy busy all day, but not really in a good way.  I felt like I was in slow motion and I couldn’t get myself organized, which is so unlike me.  Blah. … Read more >

Tummy says RAWrrrr

I slept in forever today!  Initially, I got up at 8, but decided a few more minutes of shut-eye couldn’t hurt…next thing I know, it’s 10 am!!  Whoa, I can’t even remember the last time I slept in that late.  Generally I feel like I’m starting off the day behind when I miss so much of the morning, but to be honest, getting in the extra zzzz’s today felt glorious. Coffee + crossword = happy grandpa Elise Newman’s Own organic raisins are gooey and I like it.  I drowned a few handfuls in my strawberry… Read more >

Flo’s Birthday

Florence Nightingale that is!  Not exactly a major holiday, and probably not on the “normal” person’s radar, but tomorrow is her birthday and also the end of nurses week.  Speaking of which, you all were SO sweet with those comments about my job.  It’s nice to be able to talk about other parts of my life on a (mostly) food blog and know that readers aren’t snoozing (or scrolling) through it.  OK…now that the sappy stuff is over with and I’ve satisfied the quota for random trivia-of-the-day, I’ll move on to the comida. What’s wrong… Read more >

ICU…and I raise you!

Welllll…this weekend was pretty intense.  I worked.  I saved lives.  Literally. I try not to go into too much detail about my job (a) because of the whole patient privacy thing and (b) because I have a feeling it’s not very thrilling to read about.  But sometimes I wish I could share all the crazy things I see and do on a daily basis because, well, it’s a big part of my life.  Or at least a part. Anyways, as I’ve mentioned before, I work in the cardiopulmonary critical care unit (CPCU), which is the… Read more >