clif bar

Is Steve-o really vegan?

I’m all about VeganMoFo.  October is already my favorite month, so I was delighted to read Gena’s latest post and find out that there is yet ANOTHER reason to smile now that it’s October.  I mean, why not dedicate an entire month to celebrating a healthy lifestyle!  In honor of this special Vegan Month Of Food, in each post I am going to reveal a celebrity who is vegan.  Today’s vegan celeb was someone I was QUITE surprised about…I mean after years of torturing himself for entertainment purposes, who would ever have expected STEVE-O to… Read more >

Cut your losses

At some point I guess you just have to accept that you can’t catch up.  For me, that day is today.  Rather than go back to where I last left off (Friday’s eats), I am skipping ahead to the weekend’s eats.  Trust me, you aren’t missing anything too epic…hummus and fruit, no doubt. You know what a packed lunch means… Work weekend 🙁 The snack deets: green monster superfood odwalla bar, peanut toffee buzz clif bar (holy EFFING yum – is this a new flavor, or have i just found the light?), the last of… Read more >