
Sudwerk with sister

My sister is already back in Australia, but I still have to recap her visit to Davis last week.   Because the pics are cute and because I am trying to be accountable.  Remember?   Oh, and because this happened.  Yup.  So let’s start at the beginning.  I woke up, did the shred level 1 and made breakfast.   Two slices of banana bread and a fried egg.  While I ate, Kyle went to the MD.  Since we moved I figured we should both get seen for a routine checkup (and meet) with our new… Read more >

It’s true what they say

“Home is where the heart is” Yup.  It’s true.  Lucky for me, I consider both the Bay Area AND Santa Monica “home.”  So even though it was a total joy to spend the weekend with my parents and sister, I’m glad to be back with Kyle.  Win win.  Eventually I will recap the wedding in more detail (so fun!), but for now, I’m trying to get organized for work tomorrow (reality check…wah wah). I had leftovers from Patxi’s for Saturday brunch.  I had baby carrots a la mode because I enjoy fiber.   Even day… Read more >


I got to work the other day and my name wasn’t on the assignment sheet.  Since I had worked the day before, I was sure I didn’t get my schedule wrong.  Done that before.  Then I saw my name way down at the bottom of the page… Elise – float SOU SOU?  After asking a few different people I found out it stood for surgical observation unit (basically the PACU for more stable patients).  Ok, I thought.  Something new could be fun.  But where is the SOU?  Nobody had any idea! I finally found out… Read more >


I’m not an overly dramatic person (must be the residual effects of my tomboy youth…) but I have to say, the lack of candied ginger in ALL the local Whole Foods stores has me freaking out.  I am officially out.  Like Kyle’s chapstick stash, I had back-ups upon back-ups, but they are all depleted now.  Yikes.  Hoarding fail.   It gets worse!  The above photo is the last of my carob chip stash too.  Folks, this is a state of national emergency.  My pre-packed work eats will just have to do without my beloved ginge. … Read more >

Pre-Spain tasks

This week is nurses appreciation week (hooray!) but unfortunately the breakfast potluck party on my unit was the day I left for vacay.  Had I not just finished night shift I may have stuck around, but I was so tired and ready to start my two weeks on holiday, I didn’t care too much about free bagels.  As soon as I gave report to the day shift nurse I was mentally checked out.  I may as well have been in Spain on Thursday.  Sad face.  Next year I’m going to bring yummy vegan food to… Read more >