smart tenders

Wed(nesday) and Bed

For the freakin’ LIFE of me I couldn’t make it out of bed this morning. By 10 am I just resigned to a morning in bed (why fight it).  I made coffee and snuggled back in my covers with a crossword, mug of frothy joe, and some trashy tv.  How’s that for a perfect morning?  Hump day much. Around noon I dragged myself to the living room for some apples and computer time.  Since it was gorgeous outside and I wasn’t hungry for lunch I made my way outside, for a walk around the neighb. … Read more >

ICU…and I raise you!

Welllll…this weekend was pretty intense.  I worked.  I saved lives.  Literally. I try not to go into too much detail about my job (a) because of the whole patient privacy thing and (b) because I have a feeling it’s not very thrilling to read about.  But sometimes I wish I could share all the crazy things I see and do on a daily basis because, well, it’s a big part of my life.  Or at least a part. Anyways, as I’ve mentioned before, I work in the cardiopulmonary critical care unit (CPCU), which is the… Read more >

my last day of 25

The day flew by. My LAST day of 25 years old. I had a soy latte before work and an Iced Oatmeal Luna Bar in the morning. For lunch I had a sando (packed from the night before). Bread with sabra classic hummus, mustard, and smart tenders “chik’n tenders” (lemon and herb flavor). Normally I like some greens in my sando, but then it would have been so fat, I wouldn’t have been able to take a bite. Way fat! I also had raisins and an apple…then a coffee for the road (only 5 more… Read more >

tropical storm Kyle

Rain. Boo. Good thing I was stocked up with these little silk soy milks 🙂 So I had 2 cups of coffee (basically a latte with the massive amount of vanilla creamer and soy milk I used) to which I added stevia for some sweetening. I also had a soy milk by itself while I watched yesterday’s (2 hour season premiere) episode of Grey’s Anatomy that I had tivo-ed. Here’s my review: HORRIBLE! I couldn’t even finish the episode, it was that bad. Seriously, I can’t even believe how ridiculously awful the show has become…. Read more >