
Allergy friendly yellow cake

I know (I think?) what you’re thinking.  Yellow cake?  What’s the point?  Chocolate is where it’s AT!  I agree with you, but every once in a while you need some quality yellow cake in your life.  Like on the 4th of July. Because it just feels right.  Is #merica just so 2013? Since I wanted P to be able to eat some, I made it allergen friendly.  As in, no wheat, gluten, dairy, nuts, or soy.  The batter does contain eggs and I’m not sure if it would turn out without them but if anyone wants… Read more >

Parts of Kyle’s birthday weekend

I took pics of the days surrounding Kyle’s 30th, but never shared them!  Never too late to celebrate?   Here’s the young man and his tower of 30 beers.   Kyle requested an al fresco themed birthday dinner, and since it was gorgeous weather it seemed like a brilliant idea.  We hit up the farmer’s market that day and hung out in the park with friends, soaking up the social scene.  It was a taste of what it to come (once the weather finally commits to warmth in entirety).  The above platter had some old… Read more >

New foods for a happy baby

Since we are heading out of the country, I wanted to try a bunch of new foods before we left, to maximize the options for P. As you can probably imagine, I’m not really keen on the idea of trying various foods for the first time while we are oceans apart from our MD (and the coverage of health care).  I am bringing 3 epi-pens with me and I’d like to return with the same amount.  Benadryl can fill in the gaps if there’s cross contamination, but for the 2 weeks we are gone, I’m… Read more >

Perfect Fall weekend

Trrrrrrrrouble. [Don’t be deceived by this photo, he’s not crawling.  At. All.  He rolls to get everywhere.  He’s surprisingly mobile for only using rolling as a means of travel.  I’m sure I’ll be swallowing my words later but it would be nice if he showed some signs of crawling.  Like maybe contact with the ground.  On the other hand, he’s basically ready to walk since he holds himself up using the coffee table or wall as support…hmmm…tummy time to standing?  Kids are confusing.] On Thursday my parents came to Davis to visit for a few… Read more >

Ruts and reining it in

And just like that, my accountability went down the drain.  Wah wah.   Even though I spoiled my dinner with the above yog from cultive, it was so necessary.  I had just finished loading my groceries into the car when I noticed my (new) iPhone was nowhere to be found.  I usually keep it in the cup holder on the stroller, so I figured it either fell out when I pushed P over a bump or crack in the sidewalk…or…someone stole it.  Since I live in Davis, I figured it was my fault.  So I… Read more >