suzie’s thin cakes

Perfect Fall weekend

Trrrrrrrrouble. [Don’t be deceived by this photo, he’s not crawling.  At. All.  He rolls to get everywhere.  He’s surprisingly mobile for only using rolling as a means of travel.  I’m sure I’ll be swallowing my words later but it would be nice if he showed some signs of crawling.  Like maybe contact with the ground.  On the other hand, he’s basically ready to walk since he holds himself up using the coffee table or wall as support…hmmm…tummy time to standing?  Kids are confusing.] On Thursday my parents came to Davis to visit for a few… Read more >

Ruts and reining it in

And just like that, my accountability went down the drain.  Wah wah.   Even though I spoiled my dinner with the above yog from cultive, it was so necessary.  I had just finished loading my groceries into the car when I noticed my (new) iPhone was nowhere to be found.  I usually keep it in the cup holder on the stroller, so I figured it either fell out when I pushed P over a bump or crack in the sidewalk…or…someone stole it.  Since I live in Davis, I figured it was my fault.  So I… Read more >

Now that’s a lot of food

Turns out I eat a lot.  🙂 Ha.  As if that’s a surprise. Here’s my 99% complete documented eats (second helpings noted).  Breakfast: fried egg + 2 slices of chocolate cherry quickbread (half of one was eaten during the cooking process) Lunch: 3 slices of GF bread toasted and topped with avocado/egg salad + carrots + grapes + strawberries I get questions if I eat fruit (because I rarely show those little snacks) and the answer is YES!  Of course!  I tend to eat seasonally – so lately it’s been grapes, figs, strawberries, raspberries, and… Read more >