tofu salad

Who what when?

I am ALL out of sorts.  Yesterday (?) I went to bed around noon thinking I’d sleep til 5 and then get ready to head back in to work.  How’d that work out?? Yeah.  Not so much. I ended up watching the latest episode of Glee (check out the creepy scene I paused it on) after tossing and turning in bed.  It’s hard to sleep when it’s light out and my body is all jacked up on caffeine.  I realize a mega caffeine Starbucks order wasn’t the wisest choice after being awake for 24 consecutive… Read more >

H2Oh No

This just keeps getting better and better… Turns out denying the electricians access to our apartment yesterday may have been a blessing in disguise.  Now they can fix both the plumbing and the stove/oven “issues” at the same time while I vacate the apartment for greener pastures (by which, of course, I mean Starbucks).  That’s the only positive thing I can say about being without water for the majority of the day.  I woke up early to clean the apartment and make myself presentable, and at 8:45 on the dot the doorbell rang and next… Read more >

Eggless is Best

Sorry Chicken Little, I’m sure you have a fine product, but I have a egg salad alternative that will make even non-vegans dig in.  Talk about a timely post.  With the recall fresh on people’s minds, I’m fairly certain eggs aren’t flying off the grocery shelves quite like they used to… This recipe was the result of half a box of unclaimed silken tofu.  Unclaimed?  As if Kyle would be fighting me for tofu!?!?  Ha!  Ok, so I had leftovers from an undocumented carob tofu pudding dessert (when late night munchies strike all bets are… Read more >

More of Manhattan

After day one of our return trip (slash semi-vacation) in New York, I already felt like I was back in the swing of things, living the Big Apple life.  I had Healthy Korner lunches on the go… Lemonade flavored VitaminWater Zero, PowerFu salad sandwich, apple. Then I squeezed in a few million bridesmaid-related errands…the most important being a haircut 🙂 It had been a while, and I finally sucked it up and made the plunge. Here I am at the rehearsal dinner after-party with my parents and short(er) hair.  Yes, my parents made the trip… Read more >

Moving day

This post is super old but I didn’t have internet for the looooongest time…let’s back track a few days: Kyle and I were up at 6 am to do some last minute prep work before the movers arrived.  Naturally a run to the ‘bucks was in order. Once 9 am rolled around, the movers arrived and we sat back and watched the magic happen (wow!!).  Talk about perfecting their craft (I’m taking the liberty of describing moving as an art form – if you’ve ever done a big one, you will agree with me on… Read more >