
Blended coffee

The idea of putting something hot into a blender?  Ummm…side eye…orrrr…not? To be honest, the reason I never looked into the whole bulletproof coffee thing (and all the iterations of recipes that have been born since that one was trademarked) wasn’t because I thought butter and coffee shouldn’t mix (I don’t, nor do I think it’s an adequate replacement for breakfast, but that’s not the main issue), but because I feared whizzing steaming coffee would end in some kind of disastrous burn. Turns out, it’s not as scary as I thought.  Not at all.  But!  Ever since… Read more >


What happens on the island stays on the island.  😉 …because it was my sister’s bachelorette!  Breakfast of champions on board our 8 am flight!! Breakfast number two was actual food (salmon plate at George’s Greek Cafe)…so that was nice. Ferry ride… We were nervous about the overcast skies when we arrived, but it blew off by the afternoon and was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS for the rest of the weekend. ‘Gramming while driving (our rental house came with a golf cart).  Not super wise, but this was also maybe the only time we were sober the whole… Read more >

Lettuce thief

This wasn’t my favorite flavor, so I’m glad I didn’t get the big one.  Sample packs are economical and not economical at the same time, because they cost 500% what the portion would cost if bought in bulk, but they also prevent you from buying a flavor you may not like and then wasting it. Vanilla Chai sounds like something I’d like, but it was just okay. I prefer simple classic flavors, like chocolate and vanilla. I went shopping with V after our (co-op) “school” because I hadn’t planned on staying home for Thursday and Friday, so we… Read more >

Wednesday fun

Excellent start to the day 🙂 I think I posted the pic of these when they first came out of the oven.  I used almond and cassava flour.  This was my first time using cassava flour. Lunch was smaller than usual because they had a bunch of snacks over the course of the morning…kidney beans, diced raw bell peppers, and steamed green beans.  Followed by blueberries. Afternoon fairy yard time. With a muffin as a snack.  I have some of Gwyneth’s sweet potato five spice in the freezer, so I warmed them up, split it in half,… Read more >

Cherry season!

GUYS! The cherry tree is doin’ it’s thang.  It’s amazing.  I started picking them a teeny bit early because if I don’t get them now, the birds will get them alllll. I forgot to take pics of their breakfast, but I did get a picture of mine. At the start of this year, I specifically left one of the mornings that P was in school unscheduled so V and I could have a weekly breakfast date.  We went sporadically throughout fall – usually to WF – and then I just sort of fell out of the… Read more >