vega protein powder

Ten Reviews

Here are some products I’ve tried lately. Some were bad, some were okay, some were good, and some were awesome. So I figured I’d share. I have no affiliation with any of these companies. These are simply my honest opinions.   1. blue monkey coconut chips I got these as a freebie for some educational event I went to, but I know they are sold at Whole Foods as well as mainstream grocers (check the “ethnic foods” aisle).  I really loved them and although they were sweetened, I’d buy them again.  I used them as… Read more >

When do you clean the blender?

Here’s the real indicator that I’m type A…I literally clean the blender parts and put them away before I drink my smoothie.  Even when I’m a crazy hangrypants.  Please tell me there are others out there who do this too?  I know the OCD tendencies run deep in food bloggers, so I don’t think I’m going too out on a limb with this.  But I definitely do it every. single. time. I make a smoothie.  Other dishes, not so much.  I’ll wait til after I eat breakfast to clean the frying pan (usually because I… Read more >

My highlights: week 6

My little boy is no longer a baby.   Happy first birthday patty-cakes.  You are the biggest source of joy I have ever known.  Obviously the boxes and wrapping were more exciting than the actual presents.   We had a little party with our closest family and friends.  It was pretty perfect. Pacman muffin. 🙂 I had the same breakfast 4 days this week thanks to these GF lemon streusel muffins by Udi’s.    Sorry for the hyperbole, but they are SOOO good.  I don’t usually go gaga for lemon things, but they actually aren’t mega… Read more >

Making a salad a meal

Hi, I’m in a salad rut.  [never a bad thing]   As I’ve repeatedly blogged about, I’m a bit of a prep queen.  Whenever I know I have several shifts in a row, I make sure to prepare healthy and flexible food options ahead of time.  I hate coming home to an empty fridge (and after 12+ hours on my feet, I definitely don’t have the energy to start cooking a meal from scratch).  This week’s examples: Lentils & wheat berries.  [Soaking on stand-by] Veggies. [I always have greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, & carrots on… Read more >