December snippets

I have an insane collection of photos from the past two (three?) weeks. 


The holidays are just so crazy.  It’s even more fun with a kid.  I feel like we are creating memories and traditions. 

Blogging has been the last thing on my mind.  Actually it’s not the blogging part that’s the issue, it’s the uploading photos and editing part.  Why is that so annoying and time consuming?  I love connecting with you guys!  I’ve missed this. 

So that said.  Here’s snippets of the stuff I’ve been eating and doing.

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Trader Joeโ€™s gingerbread house decorated by moi.  With moral support from the little guy.  Iโ€™m glad I did this before the peanut allergy fiasco because I probably would have skipped it (paranoia, I know). 


I bought Unreal candy (found at Target FYI) and Glutino fudge coated GF pretzels (found at Nugget Market) to decorate the house, but once I opened it I saw they included some candy.  Fine by me!  More candy for me to eat!  The pretzels didn’t even survive a day in the house.  And I’ve already gotten two more bags.

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The people at Nugget think I’m crazy because I only go there for 2 things: kale chips and GF pretzels.  And yet I’m there almost twice a week for those things.  It’s within walking distance of our house, which is the problem.  Kale cravings?  Ten minutes later I’m good (albeit $7 poorer). 


But I’m getting off topic.

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Do you speak whatever language this is?  No?  Me either.  Oh good, thereโ€™s an English side.

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I also bought egg whites in a carton because I read the back of the box and it said you needed whites to mix with the powdered sugar to make the icing and I hate wasting parts of egg.  Sure, I could save the yolk(s) and use them to make a custard or something blah blah blah, I’m not that organized.  Easier to just buy whites and not have to deal with separating them. 

Of course I didn’t pay attention to how much whites went with the sugar so mine ended up too liquidy and I had problems getting the house pieces to stay put.  But I’m crafty and I made it work.



Ok, so that was a fun little December activity.


Oh hey irony.  This arrived the day after we returned from the hospital.  I’ve been very anal in using it.  At first it sat rejected in the cupboard.  But then I worked up the nerve to make something with it.  Of course P is nowhere near me and I do surgical scrubbing post meal.  It’s all very new. 


Better than Christmas morning!  Maybe not really, but very close.  I cannot wait to dig in!

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Best quickbread I’ve made and it was almost a total disaster because I forgot the egg the first time around.  Stay tuned for this recipe (how many times have you heard that on HHH lately?  I suck, sorry).

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Mom and dad’s holiday party!  Unlike last year when I was super preggo, this year I could drink!  Hooray!  I sipped on Ferrari-Carano Fume Blanc and nibbled on shrimp cocktail, chocolate toffee, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s vegan thumbprint cookies


It was a super fun night.

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These alfajores were perfection.


Kyle got a few treats for us from the Whole Foods in Roseville the night we stayed at the hospital over there.  I know you’re not "supposed to" reward yourself with food, but sh!t man.  My heart was working overtime that day so I will do what I want for my taste buds.  Took me back to our Buenos Aires vacation.  Man, I love alfajores.

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Crock pot chili.  Easy peasy.

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Roasted green beans and tofu (as prep), and another loaf of banana bread.

As you can see on the right, the beans and ‘fu were served over quinoa with Bragg’s aminos on top.


Another meal in a bowl.  Quinoa and egg stir fry with extra carrots, tofu and avocado. 


Family meal!



Happy Holidays to you all.  ๐Ÿ™‚

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Comments (13)

  1. Livi

    P is such a cutie!!

  2. Sarah

    Elise! That powdered sugar is German. I only know that because my last name is German and means sugar. Zucker = sugar.

    So you can have peanuts in the house etc., you just have to sterilize? And they confirmed it is severe enough that even traces of it around him can lead to him having a reaction? How on guard you must have to feel now at all birthday parties and holiday parties and restaurants… I’m sure it gets better.

  3. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries

    I really love that blue dress you’re wearing in that first photo!! Hot mama! ๐Ÿ™‚ Merry Christmas to you and your cute family!

  4. Abby

    The fact that it takes you so long to upload and edit photos makes me glad that I’m not a food blogger and can try and get away with just words with a few select pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank goodness you do what you do!

    Anyway, I’ve never made a gingerbread house that didn’t look like I was drunk at the time (for the record, I wasn’t.) I actually quite impressed with your candy casa. Merry Christmas!

  5. josรฉe

    Indeed, German. I know our neighbours language quite well, but since there’s a translation in english, there’s no need for me (or us;-)) to come to the rescue.

  6. Sarah

    In case that wasn’t clear, I got excited because my last name is actually Zucker.

  7. Christina

    Awe lucky! I’ve been looking for that peanut flour! I was mad when trader joes got rid of it ๐Ÿ™

  8. Natalie Wester at Clean Eating Teen

    Oh I love you and your family Elise! So adorable. And you always have the best sense of humor. I truely find a smile on my face reading your blog and hope you don’t stop, even if the posts are less often ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Shells

    Love the fun snippets ๐Ÿ™‚

    Please share how you used the peanut flour! I recently bought some and am still figuring out what to do with it!

  10. Katherine

    You look awesome! I am due January 13th and your post baby body is my inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

    On an earlier post I was going to ask if Patrick’s peanut allergy meant no peanuts for you (because of breast feeding) but this post answered that question for me.

    Merry Christmas Eve!

  11. Lara

    Hope this isn’t creepy but you have a rockin’ bod!

    We’ve had to cancel our trip to CA this year because G and Matt are sick ๐Ÿ™ So bummed. I really want to hang out one day!

  12. Sami

    Hey, hottie in the blue dress!? I almost don’t believe you when you post that you had P just a few short months ago ๐Ÿ˜‰ You look amazing!
    Anyway, Merry Christmas to you guys! I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying the company of loved ones. Can’t wait for the peanut flour bread recipe! <3

  13. wendy r.

    Merry Christmas! Of the many things I’m grateful for this year, figuring out that my body responds to a low fodmap diet and finding blogs like this to help me navigate that are at the top of my list.

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