Overly FODMAPs heavy

You know what my LEAST favorite part about blogging is?  Thinking of post titles.  Seriously, I am depleted.  After 4+ or whatever years it seems like there’s nothing left.  So I always wait ‘til the end and then I sit there, waiting to hit publish, while I stare at “enter a post title” on the top of the page. 

Most of the time I go one of two routes – either super cheesy (like really lame puns) or super boring (like the name of a recipe).  It’s a miracle if it’s remotely clever.  But hopefully you just gloss over the name of the post anyway.  Maybe I’ll just start naming posts random unrelated things and see if anyone notices.  Or cares. 

So there’s my random musing of the day.

I had a million FODMAPs the other day.  I just kept messing up and digging myself deeper in a hole. 

IMG_6739 IMG_6743 

I usually like to keep breakfast FODMAPs free because then it leaves me room for wheat and whatever over the rest of the day. 

So I made oats for breakfast. 

But then I decided to add vegan cream cheese and pumpkin butter.  You can see the ingredients in Follow Your Heart’s vegan cream cheese here – there are some gums in it that aren’t FODMAPs friendly, but it really doesn’t bring on any symptoms (it’s not like I’m eating the whole tub at once).  I can’t find a link to show Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter, but it does have trace amounts of FODMAPs due to the honey.  Somehow I bought it without even realizing it was sweetened with honey (it also has sugar in it, so that’s kinda overkill in the sweetness department).  Truth be told, I haven’t eaten honey in forever because I was vegan for so long.  And then there’s the whole fructose content thing.  It’s a trace ingredient in the butter – nothing that I would notice in such a small amount – I’d probably have to eat the whole jar (not as hard to do as it may seem) to feel something. 


For lunch I had the last of the daiya pizza from Fresh Brothers.  So now wheat is in the equation (in case you’re keeping track). 


In the afternoon, Kyle and I headed to our ridiculous birthing class.  I brought some snacks.

Obviously I didn’t pay very much attention to the ingredients in the Skinny Crisps.  In my defense, I say “gluten free” and made the rookie mistake of equating that to wheat free.  These two are not equal!!  I tolerate gluten no problem.  However, wheat is something I have to should eat in moderation.


So about these cinnamon crisps.  Most importantly, they’re delicious!  I didn’t know what to expect because they say “low carb” on the label and that’s not typically a food category I go for.  But they really are tasty.  I could easily have eaten the whole bag at once.  Unfortunately, they have chickpea flour (as the second ingredient) which is one of the FODMAPs I really have issues with.  My first foray in gluten free bread baking was with chickpea and fava flours and it was way worse than if I had just eaten wheat bread.  I think psyllium is a FODMAP too, actually.  Anyway. 

I hadn’t consumed this many FODMAPs or this many different categories of FODMAPs in a really long time, so I kinda knew I was flirting with disaster.  At least I wasn’t working the next day, though. 


I tried to make things easier on myself by having a (FODMAPs free) monster salad for dinner.  It had seitan, which has gluten (the protein portion of wheat), but is still a safe food  because it doesn’t have the carbohydrate portion of wheat (that is upsetting for FODMAP intolerant people).  The avocado is technically a FODMAP, but I’ve never had problems with it, so for me it’s a non-issue. 


Whenever a chocolate craving hits, Justin’s PB cups are go-to.  As you can see from the ingredients listed here, they have trace amounts of soy lecithin.  But I still can’t figure out if that’s a FODMAP or not.  Not that it mattered at this point in the evening.  Clearly I was already way maxed out in my daily FODMAPs load…

So, what should I name this post? 

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Comments (16)

  1. bee

    To me, that didnt seem like too much of a fodmap-heavy day…some of ur posts seem more fodmap-dense (apples, hummus, bread, certain veggies and bars)

    How is it that u tolerate hummus, but not chickpea flour? Is the oogliosaccharide category not one that gives u major reactions?

    Which fodmap categories seem to be the worst offenders and which give u no issue? It would be interesting to see a post that details the foods u tolerate with no problem, foods that u have to moderate (and how), and foods u must avoid

    Keep up the food sleuthing!

  2. Arlene @ donteatdirt.com

    I love Skinny Crisps. The brownie flavored ones and the cinnamon are my fave!

  3. Cee

    I’m a little confused. Isn’t anything gluten free also wheat free? Isn’t the chickpea flour a totally different issue?

  4. Elise (Post author)

    Yes. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. What I meant was that I saw it was GF and thought it meant it was wheat free and therefore Fodmaps free. But obviously the chickpea flour makes it GF and wheat free and NOT Fodmaps free.

  5. Cee

    Ok, got it now! I was a little concerned that something could be gluten free but still contain a wheat product.

  6. Elise (Post author)

    If you’re going to ask me “how” I tolerate some things over others I’m afraid that’s a fruitless search… It’s my body and it does its own thing so I’m just trying to sort out what I feel and when.
    I really don’t eat wheat apples and hummus all in the same day. Not sure which post gave you that impression. But you should check out my other site: http://www.fodmapsdiet.com for more info on my definition of “low” and how pregnancy has affected my diet.

  7. Kate

    Yep, that title works! Though I totally think you should just starting using random titles like song lyrics or fortune cookie fortunes because it would be entertaining in my Reader…

    So the TJs pumpkin butter. That is one of the few TJs items I’ve tried that I didn’t love. Too sweet, honestly, and the texture is weird. Silly question, probably, but do you make your own pumpkin butter? I’ll never go back – it’s great to control the sweetness and spiciness. And you can make a way bigger batch at one time for eating out of the jar…

  8. Elise (Post author)

    i never have actually. its one of those things that i feel like i wouldnt use often enough to justify making a whole batch of it…maybe i should make a bunch and gift the extras though. hmmm…

  9. Kate

    Oh we easily go through a jar in a week. I make it in a relatively small batch, usually just one package of pumpkin, because it’s just a matter of putting the ingredients in a pot and letting it simmer for a while. So easy (and yummy)!

  10. sarah

    If you DID start naming posts really random things, I’d probably think it was just some ‘in’ joke that I didn’t get.
    If I were a blogger I’d probably end up using the date as my title. Creativity at its finest:).

    The title you used is fine. Alternatives titles from my brain:-
    I Ate a Lot of FODMAPs Today
    FODMAPs are Yummy
    Mmmm, FODMAPs

    Lame? Trying to be funny? I don’t know haha.

  11. Jessica

    I’m new to the FODMAPS diet and am really struggling. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about your experiences with this diet. Is there a way I can contact you without making a public comment?


  12. Elise (Post author)

    hi jessica. im not really comfortable giving advice, so i think its best if you talk to a register dietician or your GI MD about this. i do have another website: fodmapsdiet.com that is specifically all fodmaps talk though, so check it out. its only my experiences, so please dont treat it as gospel. hope that helps.

  13. Elise (Post author)

    thats pretty much where my brain goes. so many posts have almost been “x” is yummy…hahaha

  14. Elise (Post author)

    that does sound good…

    btw, i think fortune cookie post titles will be my new thing. 🙂

  15. Elise (Post author)

    brownie flavor???? um, yum!! must. find.

  16. The Valley Vegan

    I’ve been off my rocker w/FODMAPs the last few days and I am paying the price. I need to stop messing around & get my act together – and fast.

    I’ve also been off my feet, no running, for the last week so I’m also feeling like a blob! LOL! Fix food, fix running. 🙂

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