Tuesday food

I forgot to tell you guys!  I finally found the mocha califia!!  Praise be. 😉  My morning coffee has been 25% better as a result.  And morning coffee is daaaaamn important, amiright??

I was in a rush this morning and didn’t have time to thaw the last slice of nourish bread so I had zucchini banana bread instead (with cashew butter).  I had a dentist appointment so I needed to finish my coffee and food with enough time to brush my teeth again but without it being right after I eat.  You know what I’m talking about right?  I need a little bit of time between eating and brushing.  I don’t really mind the dentist though, aside from the fact that Kyle and I have to coordinate taking turns with V.  We typically do appointments back to back and just flip flop watching her (which they know when making us appointments and work around – perks of living in a small town).  In an effort to keep that minty fresh clean teeth feel last, I waited until after picking P back up at noon before I had my second cup of coffee.  Gotta be honest, I was really looking forward to it, so I gave it the mocha califia treatment too.  For the sake of my sugar addiction, I limit myself to one calfia-ified cup of joe a day (the second cup I just have with plain almond milk), but today I just went for it.  I’m going to use the “birthday week” excuse for the entire week leading up to my birthday, ok?  Just so we are all on the same page.

I keep trying to remember to take pics of their meals, but then I just forget.  They had leftover pancakes and Asian pear slices for breakfast.  For lunch they had half a sunbutter sandwich, bacon, broccoli, and then carrots and apple slices once they were done with the plated stuff.  The carrots and apples were leftover from Valley’s snack that I packed for library. P had pretzels and cream cheese at school for snack (yes, he just eats whatever dairy they are serving without any issue!).

Here’s my lunch.  I made balsamic dressing on Sunday and it’s pretty good.  The rest of the salad had greens, candied pecans, avo, and smoked salmon.  Yum!  With almost a pound of baby carrots on the side.  But NO chips!!!

After naps we went to a friend’s house to make apple juice from the apples they picked over the weekend.

The kids took over after they figured out the plunger and made enough for all four of them to get a cup.

Even though V was trying to sneak the apples on the way to the juicer.

Dinner was already done from the day before so I didn’t have to worry about a thing.  Actually, that’s not entirely true, I did have to boil water to make spaghetti noodles.  But I did that during nap time. Unlike GF noodles, you can cook wheat ones ahead of time without them ending up weird and gloopy.

Here are some action shots from the day before…

I don’t know why chopping things is so enjoyable, but it just is.  I put on Bruno Mars pandora station and had a dance party while I made this yesterday.

Three different kinds of meat and 50 minutes in the IP….

Pre (left) and post (right) meat shredding (which took under 5 minutes).

Now I feel like my kids are officially initiated into childhood.

Every parent has these same spaghetti face pics right?

I alllmost forgot the fresh basil and parsley, but remembered just in time.  Our garden still has basil going strong but I may have to pick the last of it to freeze soon…it’s been getting pretty chilly at night.

So yum.  And we still have half of it left for another full meal.  Hip hip!

I had kombucha while watching TWO (!!) episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale.  I am terrified by this show and infatuated by it at the same time…hence the double header.  We debated staying up til 2 am to finish the series but figured we would hate life the next day if we did that.  Remember when we could be irresponsible like that and it didn’t matter because we could just phone it in the next day?

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Comments (4)

  1. Lindsay

    Is P no longer sensitive to gluten or was he never sensitive to gluten? Might be a silly question … just struggle to keep all of his allergies/sensitivities straight WHICH I am sure is HARDER for you.

  2. Elise (Post author)

    Not silly – you are right! He was allergic to gluten, and outgrew it just after his 3rd birthday or so.

  3. Lindsay

    Phew … that must make life so so much easier now that he can eat gluten. That spaghetti looks delicious! We have a local place that is known for their spaghetti and to be honest its not healthy BUT amazing none the less.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    It was the hugest game changer I think. Well every thing he has outgrown has been cause for celebration but that one happened before he started preschool last year and eased my heart SO MUCH.

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