Xagave winner

Whew!  There sure is a LOT to do and see in our nation’s capital…

I will tell you all about my fun, tourism-packed weekend in D.C. but first I believe I have some business to take care of. 

Congrats to reader Olivia, who will soon be the lucky owner of some yummy vegan baked treats (made by yours truly) AND a bottle of Xagave’s agave syrup!!  Her guess as to what place I finished was one of the closer ones, but was still fairly far off.  Props to those of you who guessed in the top ten (suck up points indeed)!  And in case anyone was still wondering, I came in 156th out of 20,000 (hearing the rest of your guesses was very entertaining though). 

So make sure to send me your address and keep your eye on the mailbox.

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Comments (4)

  1. Grace

    Wow, that’s pretty amazing. 🙂 Congrats to you (and to Olivia!)

  2. Courtney

    156th out of 20,000?! You are my hero–seriously! You are a hard-core beast!


  3. Kristen

    Holy shnikes, woman! I should have known since you played ODP and 5 years up! 😉

  4. Caitlin

    what the WHAT! you were in the TOP 1%!!!?? do you realize that!! whoa

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