Salads and Brookies

I’m starting to go through these way too fast.  I saw a massive organic tub at Costco last weekend and scoffed at it, but now I’m thinking I should probably have gotten it after all!

I bought the dried kind last week because I wanted to give them a try too but the olive oil soaked ones are definitely where it’s at!


As a treat to myself on Mother’s Day weekend I made a layered brookie (brownie + cookie).

The cookie dough looks orange because I used red palm oil since I ran out of coconut oil on the brownie portion of the dessert.


Make these asap.

I was tempted to top them in ice cream when they were warm out of the oven, but I thought that would be over doing it.  Lame.  I should have done it.  Maybe I’ll make it into a warm brookie sundae next time I have some.

Just in case you thought I was getting over the tahini thing, let me share this other dinner I made up last week.

First I mixed a bunch of kale, cabbage, and radicchio and massaged them with the tahini dressing recipe from Gena’s cookbook.

Then I added in the rest of the brown rice salad.  <–soooo good

And then I added goat milk feta and blood orange.


And that’ll do it for the random meals of the moment!

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Comments (5)

  1. Carrie

    My daughter just passed a sesame challenge and I am sooooo excited to bring tahini back into my life!

  2. Elise (Post author)


  3. Ttrockwood

    I am totally making those brookies for the first summer potluck party i’m Invited to! I love brownies with almond flour. And yeah definitely have a warm one with some ice cream!
    Sundried tomatoes are waaay better packed in oil- as long as its good oil, some are packed in canola which tastes icky to me. Genius move adding to salads, i bet that’s a great punch of flavor.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    Oh good to know, I’ll be sure to check what oil it’s packed in before buying from Costco.

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