A tiger and a princess

How did everyone’s Halloween go down?  We went trick or treating with BOTH kids this year!

I took Pacman last year solo, but Valley got to join in this year and she was ALL FOR IT.  It was so sweet.  We only went to 10ish houses but they thought it was awesome.

We’d already gone downtown earlier in the day for Davis’ trick or treat trail where you hit up a bunch of local vendors for candy…but they didn’t really care about it too much and the crowds were kinda crazy so we kept it quick.  V found these princesses and HAD to go over, but as soon as she approached them she froze.  I’ve never seen her so quiet or shy – she was a completely foreign girly. Look at her skeptical little face up there!

After the kids were in bed Kyle and I dug into this plate of goodies (from the annual neighborhood potluck where we all had dinner).

P and V were in heaven surrounded by the neighborhood big kids…he actually asked me to go eat inside and leave him!!!  TOO SOON!  Not everything about growing up is sad though…a year or two ago I never would have imagined letting P eat whatever he wanted from a potluck event ESPECIALLY without me helicoptering over the whole situation.  Now the two of them are self sufficient enough to hold their own in older company and it’s almost as enjoyable for them as it is for me to witness.  I makes me proud to see them act self confident and kind.

ANYWAY.  Back to the food.

Earlier in the day I had loaded them up with protein to compensate for the impending sugar (which actually barely came).

I had more of this tuna salad (which I thought I already blogged about, but in looking back couldn’t find, so maybe I didn’t?) with Lundberg rice chips and carrots.

Both the chips and the tuna salad lasted me three servings.  The tuna salad was basic – just celery, Sir Kensington mayo, and dijon mustard.

I love having something prepped for week days!  I don’t even have to think, I just pull it out as soon as the kids are fed and settled into their quiet times.  V is nearly done with naps and it’s a big time bummer.  She stays up too late on the days that she naps, so I prefer the bedtime routine on days that she doesn’t nap, but she’s also not as good at independent play as P so her “quiet time” doesn’t allow much solo time for me.

In other odds and ends news…

I made pizza one night.  It’s such an easy win, I should do it way more often.  I’m like the hero of the day when I make pizza.

I had a two pack of Vicolo crusts in the fridge from a couple of weeks before.  V had begged for a pizza night so I bought the crusts just to appease her and then it got put on the backburner…until I was scrambling for dinner one night (post food poisoning) and voila!  Pizza night finally had it’s moment!

The kids split one of the crusts with daiya and pepperoni and Kyle had the other to himself with goat cheese and parmesan, while I had half of a Cappellos pizza leftover from who knows when (stored in the freezer).

Look at this modest dessert!  Probably a world record for the smallest amount of chocolate ever eaten by me in one sitting.

Another dessert record happened the next night when I pulled some cobbler from the freezer and had it with coconut ice cream.  INSTEAD OF CHOCOLATE!  Who am I??

Should I be happy that “mama” at least made the cut for his thankful tree, or should I be insulted that I was ranked below both “legos” and “food” (specifically bacon)??

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Comments (3)

  1. Danielle

    Ha, I also rank below Legos when my oldest son lists things he’s thankful for!

  2. Courtney

    I am doing a thankful tree with G too! We are doing one thing a day and adding it to the tree. The first day she was into it, and said “mama” was what she was thankful for 💕❤️ But ever since that first day it’s been like pulling teeth to get her to come up with something! I don’t want to make it a chore—I want it to be fun—but she just keeps saying she doesn’t know. So I explain again what it means to be thankful, but she still says she doesn’t know. Maybe she is still too young. I am the only person on the tree so Far, though. I’ll take that as a win. Sorry dad 😏

  3. Elise (Post author)

    That’s a win! haha. She’s still pretty young…that’s a big concept. Hard for many adults!!

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