A new breakfast

Stop the presses, they aren’t eating oatmeal or pancakes!

Due to a combo of laziness on my part and boredom on their part, I decided it may be time to change up the breakfast routine for them.  I’ve been alternating batches of oats and pancakes for-eh-ver and while each is different depending on what add-ins I choose, it was high time for something truly new.  These GF waffles have been in the freezer since 2015 I think.  Or at least form back when P was still allergic to wheat.  So they shared those and some eggs and blueberries.

I’m glad it’s finally blueberry season again since they vanish by the mouthful in this house, but P told me today “don’t worry mama, I like all fruits” when they finished them off.

I had a couple of muffins with my java.  Still adding califia’s mocha almond milk to my coffee e.v.e.r.y. morning.  So that’s an unfortunately expensive addiction.

After dropping P at school I went to “school” with V.

It’s just a co-op play group (same one I did with P for a couple of years before he started proper preschool).

We usually pick up P on the way home but Kyle picked him up as a special treat, so V and I played in the backyard and did some gardening until he brought P home.

My biker chick is already tatted up.

Lunch time for them, followed by lunch time for me.  This week without mac nuts has been a very sad week indeed.

I’m basically compensating by adding an entire avo to my lunch.  And sometimes chips to get my salt fix.

Soccer seems to be his favorite sport, although it’s hard to tell for sure since he is into everything. V is begging to start too, so that’s probably not far off.

After soccer we swung home, grabbed Kyle, and drove to the East Bay for our usual pre-OIT night at my parents’ house.  We got food from WF, including hot dogs for the kiddos per P’s request. He was so grumpy (no naps!!) I was just pleased he even had an opinion so I went with it.  Combined with every veggie in my parents house it was a decent meal for being thrown together. I got so much zucchini I may have over done it, but don’t worry I still had room for chocolate a couple hours later.

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Comment (1)

  1. Sarah Snell

    Its really an amazing feeling seeing baby growing. Loved your blog specially the stories you provide to us. Thanks for sharing the stuffs.

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