Don’t call it a comeback

Top of the morning!  I finally woke up today feeling like my normal self.  Stomach woes be gone.  Thanks for all your well-wishes throughout my sick days week. 


Even though I woke up at 8, I decided to go back to bed because extra zzzzz’s are invaluable when I’m in recovery mode.  Plus, the apartment was cold, our internet connection was down, and the warm down comforter was calling my name.  Excuses, excuses. 

Needless to say, I was ready to get my brunch on when I finally did get up.  Enter Justin’s maple almond butter. 


After spreading this on my two pieces of toast, I sucked the life out of the squeeze pack…just to make sure I got every last drop of nutty goodness. Do you lick the top of containers?  Hummus lids?  Spoons?  Yogurt tops?  Coffee stirrers?  I lick all of the above.  Never leave a man behind, right?  Kyle totally makes fun of me, but he actually finds it endearing how much I love food.  I think he would actually be worried if I stirred my Starbucks, and then threw away the stir stick without licking off the foam. 

Lunchie time.


Amy’s lentil soup and a side of veg.  In a new bowl, too.


Measure-up bowls

I got the 2 bowl set which includes a classic (large) bowl and small bowl.  These are SOOOO cool!  They are sleek and pretty, and on the inside there are engraved measurements to let you know exactly how much you are eating.  I’m not even a measure-my-food kind of person, but I can already see how instrumental these bowls can be in portion control.  Next time you are pouring oats into a measuring cup and then into a bowl, remember this product.  It cuts out the middle man and looks cute, too.  You can purchase them in my shop.

The large bowl has markings at the 1/2 cup, 1 cup, 1 1/2 cup, and 2 cup amounts. 

The small bowl has markings at the 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, and 3/4 cup amounts.

So when you want to know exactly how much is in your heaping bowls of cereal, you can no longer claim ignorance…this bowl helps you stay accountable for actual portions.  Whether it’s a large bowl of popcorn or a small bowl of nuts, the Measure-Up bowls can hold whatever. 


1 1/2 delicious cups of lentil soup. 


I dipped the carrots and red bell peppers in the soup, but also busted out some hummus just for good measure. 




I never thought I would come across a hummus I didn’t like, but Abraham’s roasted red pepper was just was not tolerable.  It tasted like a sour salsa was mixed with hummus.  It was not roasted red pepper flavored at all, and it was blech.  A la garbage it went :( 


Taste the rainbow!  After getting so many great tea suggestions, I decided to get a Tazo variety pack in addition to a few other newbies.  Tazo has never disappointed me, so I am really excited to try all these new flavors.  And it looks really pretty 🙂


Passion tea was first at bat.  Such a beautiful color, and wonderful flavor. 

To gym or not to gym – that is the question.  I decided to suck it up and give it a whirl on the hamster wheel elliptical…I brought Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang because I wasn’t feeling super into it.  That helped a lot, so at least I made it through 30 minutes.  Better than nothing. 


So freakin’ huge.  I bought it because I was in awe of the sheer size of the thing, so I knew I had to show it on the blog.  But once I got home, I realized it was going to pose a bit of a problem to eat.  Uhhhh…


It didn’t even fit on the plate!  I ended up eating the two ends, and saving the mid section for later.  


I steamed some broccoli and then covered it all in hummus (Cedar’s OG tahini hummus) and raisins.  Sweet taters and hummus are my new obsession (how often do I say that about foods? every other day?).




I snacked on a few bowls of these (carob covered raisins and cashew pieces) while Kyle and I played Scrabble.  For the record, I won. 


While Kyle and I did registry stuff (OMG – so fun!), I had a mug of Tazo Decaf Chai tea and two apples with cinnamon (one yellow, one gala). 

Off to bed.  Is warm weather in the cards soon? 

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Comments (51)

  1. Crystal

    Holy sweet potato! It looks like a good one- great orange color, and it makes me want one! I can’t believe you found a hummus you don’t like 🙂 Thats a bummer..

  2. Gena

    So sorry you were feeling gross, but so happy you’re on the mend — with a GIANT yam to help you 🙂

  3. Michal

    Oh my gosh that has to be the biggest sweet potato ev-ah!

  4. ksgoodeats

    Oh my God! I was just scrolling and reading, enjoying my daily dose of H^3 when I was caught off guard by that monstrosity of a sweet potato. I thought it was a picture from a medical textbook at first. I think I would turn orange immediately after eating that bad boy.

  5. Katie

    I’m a licker, too. No drop, dollop or bit of foam goes to waste. 🙂 I sure hope warm weather is on the way…for your sake and mine.

  6. Teri [a foodie stays fit]

    I’m so jealous you got the Measure Up bowls!

    I wish I could find a variety pack of Tazo!

  7. elise

    get them in my shop! (see opensky link in the tab on top or embedded in the post above) they are soooo great

  8. elise

    good. i think we are just being economical

  9. prettyladycmu

    Aaaahahaha registry fun!! Hope the teas help you feel better (I adore Tazo teas) and you’re back to 100% very soon!

  10. elise

    i know…it was baffling to me too 🙂

  11. Jenna @ Health and Happiness

    I love the plates with the inside measuring lines! How cool is that!

  12. elise

    I know!! Measure-up bowls are so clever. It’s such a simple idea, and I can’t get enough of it.

  13. Katie

    From the song “The Comeback” by the Shout Out Louds? Please say yes?

    I need to get me some of them bowls! Portion control is a language I just don’t speak.

    We have those teas at work… I love the Zen, Chai, and Calm.

  14. elise

    I know arent they great…about the bowls…wait til the weekend, because I think I will be doing a promo with OpenSky and you can get them at discount. They are awesome though! I can’t stop using them!!

  15. Jessie (Vegan-minded)

    Those measure-up bowls certainly look like they would come in handy in the kitchen. What a cool idea! I love that Tazo variety pack so much. I got it on clearance the other day Target too. Score!

  16. samantha

    my favorite thing to lick it the starbucks stick after i get a misto or latte. so foamy and good! that sweet potato looks ridiculous…….me want.

  17. Molly

    WOW check out that extra long sweet potato. I love the shape of sweet paters is that weird..

    I agree, I wish those bowls were not so expensive because wow they are so NEAT!

  18. elise

    i may be hosting a sale on them at the end of the week, so stay tuned!

  19. Holly

    ummm i am a total licker. no joke. especially the foam in starbucks lattes. the best. yogurt lids are my specialty too, along with spoons. anything on a spoon gets thoroughly licked before washing.

    and i LOVE those bowls – may have to make a purchase once mama gets her tax refund.

    have a fab day dear elise 🙂

  20. elise

    i finally did my taxes this past weekend (ok Kyle did them, but whatever)…isnt getting $$ back the best? so you should def get the bowls and i think im gonna be getting a bomba$$ deal soon in my opensky shop so stay tuned 🙂

  21. blueeyedheart

    I want those bowls. I’ve known about them for a while but this post just gave me “I-want-itis.”

    <3 <3

  22. leangreendeane

    Haha, those bowls would be such a bad idea for me… If i ever knew how much oatmeal/fruit/beans i actually ate portion-wise i might start feeling a little silly… I’m cool with my measuring system (my hand), but if i was to ever find a SP the size of my arm, i would demolish the whole thing just to say i did it… Imagine telling that story to your grandkids.

  23. elise

    get ’em from my shop…they are amazing. addicting. eye-opening.

  24. Graze With Me

    GIANT sweet potato!! Holy mother, I would have bought it too. Or just taken a photo in the store…

    Isn’t registering for a wedding so much fun?? I went a little overboard & now have more small appliances in my kitchen than I know what to do with.

  25. elise

    Yeah, we may have gone that route too…but that’s a problem I’m willing to have!! HA.

  26. Tay

    Oh I lick the insides of everything (eww….TWSS?? That was uncalled for, Taylor). Anyways…yes insides of yogurt lids, ice cream lids, pb lids, yup! Don’t let it go to waste!

  27. Missy Maintains

    Love the measure bowls! I am going to check them out now. Def. need them! I tried Abraham’s hummus for the first time last week too and hated it! I got the spicy one and it tasted like Indian food which I can’t stand.

  28. Anna

    I always make sure to get every last drop, too. When I was a kid, it was the little frosting packets with my toaster strudels. Now it’s almond butter squeeze packs. And I hate eating ice cream with other people around, because you’re apparently not supposed to lick the bowl! I wince when I think about the stir sticks, though — what if you got a splinter? In your tongue! Ouch. It’s a risky life we lead.

  29. elise

    seriously, they are such a great product! there’s a link in the opensky tab at the top of my site to buy them. im in love!

  30. elise

    hahaha, funny you should say that, as its one of my biggest fears. i lick away regardless…life on the edge, i tell ya!

  31. Courtney

    So glad to hear you are feeling better–yay!

    I lick the top of everything, lol! You name it, I lick it. I even lick the edges of cans, which my mom always told me NOT to do because I could cut my tongue…it hasn’t happened yet, though 😉

    You know what might have helped that hummus?! Nutritional yeast. I swear…it can make *everything* choke-down-a-ble…

    What, only 2 apples?!


  32. Jennifer

    I think it is really sweet that you and your fiance play scrabble. 🙂 I know that this is a random comment, but I just think it is really nice.
    I may also be ordering some of those bowls in the near future. I could use a little built in reminder to not eat a towering bowl of cereal!
    Love your blog by the way!

  33. elise

    Thanks Jennifer!! What a kind comment 🙂 The Measure-Up bowls are great…I certainly don’t need to be eating 2 cups of nuts for a post-lunch “dessert”, and these bowls are quite the reality check. Definitely check them out…my opensky shop is stocked (see the link at the top tab)!

  34. elise

    you are right, i bet nooch would have helped BUT, i am too cheap to risk it…nutritional yeast is like gold and i have to savor it. this hummus was NOT good and i weighed the risk of wasting the nooch vs. improving the hummus and decided it was a negative. haha, sometimes $$ rules all.

  35. Angela @ A Healthy Fit

    Is that a sweet potato in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ha ha!

    I saw Chelsea’s new book and I totally want to buy it. I am on buying restriction at the moment. I hope it’s good! I’m sure it is!!

  36. Tara

    hummus on squash…i think i’ll have to give that a try.

  37. ethel

    E, you know I lick…haha…my mom was not a fan when she saw us doing it to the tops of yogurts, but I caught her one day and now she does it shamelessly! If they make that bowl in the shape of a square, I’m in! p.s. HUGE SP! Nothing you can’t handle, right? 😉 Besos!

  38. The Foodie Diaries

    those bowls might send me into a state of depression–at least on the cereal front. but secretly im a mathlete and love numbers–so i kind of want them.

    and your massive SP

  39. Jenny

    ick, I didn’t know yucky hummus existed. Defies the law of food-ity!

  40. BroccoliHut

    Ah man, bummer about the hummus!
    Loving your SP creation–nom nom.

  41. Laura

    as soon as i saw the slogan “portion control in a bowl” i started laughing out loud….then mom’s voice and “MODERATION, Elise!!!” quickly followed. as if you have any control over your portions, pul-lease…

  42. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    I want those bowls, cool stuff there! But i am cheap (and in debt) so will not be going to your store, even though i want to!!!! 🙂

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  44. elise

    hahaha… touche! at least now i know that i am in fact eating 8 cups of cereal as a “snack”?

  45. elise

    well this weekend im starting a sale, so maybe you can afford them then…although im not sure you really need them for massive salads and a heaping bowl of raw balls…

  46. elise

    yeah, that bugger was small potatoes. har har har.

  47. elise

    it’s hilarious – as you would expect. i finished it last night and that was after heavily restricting my reading so i could “savor it” longer…

  48. janetha

    holy large potato!

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  50. Lara (Thinspired)

    Those bowls look awesome! I’m putting them on my wishlist, and when I go to buy them, I will order them from your shop!

  51. elise


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