Sleep eating


Despite the fact that I had to leave the party early because I was working night shift (a situation made even more depressing due to the fact that I missed a call to get the day off because the hospital was overstaffed), I still had a nice day.


With friends and food and outdoor fun.

I had an Amy’s California veggie burger on a toasted bun (Bristol Farms) with guacamole, mustard, lettuce, and tomato.

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This meal actually prompted a week long series, in which I ate burgers and sandwiches for every lunch (and/or breakfast).  [Labeling meal times is pointless on night shift because my hours of operation are very not normal]


The more toppings the better – who cares if it’s bigger than my mouth.

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For some reason, when I’m on nights, I crave savory things way more than usual.  Although there is one exception and that’s cereal.


Cereal is what I have first thing when I get home in the morning.  It’s my 8 AM date.  Me.  Cascadian Farms organic multi grain squares.  Almond milk. 

Eaten standing up at the kitchen counter (so as not to touch anything with my nasty ass scrubs). 

Hello bags under my eyes. 


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Comments (20)

  1. Sarah

    You poor thing. That picture of you with the cereal bowl? That’s me. Every morning.

  2. Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy

    what delicious eats! bummer about having to leave early:(

  3. Kailey

    I dunno. I think you look really effing good for still being up at 8 a.m.!

    We know my stance on cereal. All day, every day.

    Your soon-to-be temporary roomie

  4. Elise (Post author)

    im excited!! 🙂

  5. Courtney

    Have you tried the Barbara’s multigrain Spoonfuls (or something like that)? I had them at my sister’s and they are seriously addicting. I take it back…if you haven’t tried them yet, don’t start, lol! You will be hooked!


  6. Lisa

    Oh man sounds like a crazy schedule. I admire you for being able to pull those off, I’m such a wuss with working late, and you are working late and helping people’s lives! You rock. The eats looks delicious though!

  7. Alex

    Bread for every lunch and dinner? Not worried about the FODMAP’s? Haha. I can have the occasional wheat (like a biscuit or something), but like, a sandwich is a super treat haha no way could I eat it regularly!

  8. Alissa - Not Just Apples

    Ah Bristol Farms – some very excellent memories I have of the US!

  9. Katie

    You make me want to go on a sandwich/burger kick for the rest of my life. God bless you for working those night shifts!!

  10. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey

    I think working the night shift would be so difficult! How often do you work nights?

  11. Lou

    Enjoy some decent zzzzzz’s 🙂

  12. Linds P

    I’m glad I’m not alone in acting like my work clothes carry the plague when I get home. I wish I had one of those sanitizer stations like on the movie Outbreak where you step in and are completely doused in some sanitation spray while you de-gown. Hahaha!

  13. Jeremie

    …..uh, seriously? wow.

  14. Emily

    Ahh…you definitely have me craving a burger now. Yours looks delicious!
    I seriously admire you for working night shifts- I don’t think I could do it! I would probably face plant into my bowl of cereal if I had just been up all night…

  15. Elise (Post author)

    ok, then im steering clear. ha.

  16. Elise (Post author)

    i was hired 50/50 but i can pretty much choose what i want. i typically do 3-5 night shifts a month. i dont love them, but they pay so well!

  17. Elise (Post author)

    thats exactly what i need. haha.

  18. M

    Either you are an undercover nurse/doctor/superhero, or you’re really need to get some perspective.

  19. Megan

    Good god. STFU Parents much?

  20. Courtney

    You are wise. BUT, if you want to walk on the wild side…do try them…they are super delicious! Now I am craving them…

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