Tennis and tubbing

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.  Still learning about all this dosing business.

Individual cheese seems like such a novelty, but it’s way easier to make sure he’s getting the correct grams of protein if it’s measured out ahead of time.

These have 5 g which is more than he needs, but you can go over as much as you want in maintenance.  So 5 gram it is!  And he loves it.  Unlike the 1/2 cup of milk that he slowwwwwwly sucks down, this is gone quite quickly.  V likes this form of dosing too, because it means she gets cheese.

I’m still giving him milk for most of his doses because I want the cheese and yogurt ones to be a treat, but I like that he’s excited about this.  He is so good about OIT even though I know he doesn’t love it, so it seems only fair to make it as enjoyable as possible.

After trying the first bite, he looked at me with a grin and said “it tastes like daiya cheese!”  Probably the only person ever to say that in earnest, but he has no reference for types of cheese and their flavors so it’s probably pretty accurate for him.  Major points for Daiya!

After they had their pancakes and cheese, I made my own breakfast.  This is the last slice of Nourish bread, which I sliced especially thick, but I hit up Nugget later that afternoon for a few things, including another loaf.

Both kids went to childcare at church but Kyle stayed with V the whole time, so I’m not sure if you can call that a success or not.  She didn’t cry or anything, and probably would have been fine for him to leave, but apparently the ratio of adults to kids was a little off so Kyle just stayed to volunteer.

Kid lunch: eggs, almonds, apples and tomatoes.

Kyle lunch: pasta with home-made carrot top pesto.

Elise lunch: kale, cashes, avocado, and Nugget market’s Thai salad dressing

I used half plain roasted cashews and half TJs Thai Lime & Chili cashews.

This was my first time having these and they were spicy!  Combined with the dressing (also spicy!) it was a LOT for my wimpy palate.  But I still liked it.  🙂

Feet poking out the bottom rails. 😛

I had a bottle of Trilogy for an afternoon pick me up.

Kyle and I went and played tennis and then played tee ball and soccer with the kids.  And then we came home and went in the hot tub (!!!) while the kids played in the yard.  First time we have ever done that!  They were a little curious at first, but then just went about their business making up random games and whatever.

I gave P and Kyle hair cuts and then showered to warm up before settling in for some pre-dinner football.  She was jealous and wanted a hair cut too, so I snipped nothingness off the front.  She was content with that.

For dinner we had this spicy butternut + kale chopped salad.

I’ve made it before (see here!).  I loved it then and I loved it again.  And Kyle did too (as did the kids)!

I roasted butternut squash earlier that day.  One tray had Mexican spices, per the recipe, and the other half was plain, since I figured the squash would yield some leftovers that I could throw in salads throughout the week.

The only other prep is toasting pepitas.  I had already made the dressing (which is not much more than a lime and EVOO) and massaged it with the kale.

Time to pile things on…I used cotija instead of feta because we already had some on hand (leftover from a while ago – so excited to finally use it up).

I didn’t give much cheese to the kids, but P didn’t like his anyway.

Chips much?

I didn’t have dessert which was SOOOO hard because I had a plate of 100 cookies staring at me and man did they look good.  But I knew I needed a night off sweets.  It’s an addiction you guys!  And I fully plan on going big over the holidays.  I just have to keep myself honest so it doesn’t become a habit to crave a plate piled high with chocolate every night at 8 pm on the dot.  Like it used to be.

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Comments (3)

  1. Ttrockwood

    I totally love dinners like that! Actually i have some version of a hippie bowl for either lunch or dinner basically every day… not with chips but obviously i just need to catch a clue and do that. I had bought way too many raw pepitas for the thanksgiving salad i made and have been SO into the leftovers- i just toast in a dry skillet and as the oils come to the surface i add a little salt and pepper and sometimes a pinch of sugar. Definitely getting more when these run out.
    And a whole night dessert free is great! Maybe dinner was big enough this night that you were satisfied enough

  2. Katie

    Where did you find that wire hanger in P’s room with the pictures?!

  3. Elise (Post author)

    I made it! I got all the hardware from ikea

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