10 reasons

Thursday was muy bueno and here’s why:

1.  I got to sleep in.  Hooray!

2.  Coffeeeeeee


3.  I totally had nothing but fruit all morning (fruit, fruit, and more fruit).



4.  I got to use my brand new Polar F6 HRM. 

5.  At long last, some quality cardio time!!!  (Yes, this overlaps with #4, but I was so so thrilled, it deserves 2 points).

6.  I made a delish sando out of Nature’s Pride bread stuffed to perfection with some slightly rando ingreds.


(sweet potato, avocado & smart deli “turkey”)


Holy yum, try this now.  Hate to say I told you so, but sh!t – SP really does go with everything!!

7.  I got caught up on blogs.  Joyous day. 

8.  Starbucks date with Ellie.  SO fun 🙂

9.  Seitan chimichurri dinner provided by WF (recipe provided by Candle 79)


(ok, errrthang provided by WF)


Dried cranz, sesame ginger carrots, haricot verts, asparagus/heart of palm/cherry tomatoes, and peas on fancy lettuce.

10.  Fake ice cream a la bullet while watching Jim and Pam get married!!


Both the food AND the episode were double-O C (aka out of control).  In a word, A-MAZE.

Did anyone else tear up a bit while watching The Office?  Not gonna lie, I watched it twice and it’s still saved on my tivo (meaning I will most likely watch it several more times today this week).  I guess my idea of a successful reception has to be altered now…as long as nobody tears their scrotal sac, I will be in the clear.  How’s THAT for expectations? 

Vegan of the day: Olivia Wilde (“thirteen” on House)

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  1. brianna

    Love all the fruit, it looks so good! Yay for sleeping in. The office was so good. Pam and Jim are so great together!

  2. Courtney

    Yay for better days! And all that fresh fruit is making me drool! Now that is my kind of day–yum! I have to say the pineapple and strawberry combo is to die for…and totally making me jealous…


  3. Lara (Thinspired)

    All that fruit would definitely make me happy! So would Starbucks with you and Ellie! 🙂

  4. ksgoodeats

    You forgot a very important point – had wonderful bbm convo with K about Real Housewives, weddings, and men named Dwight 😉

  5. The Voracious Vegan

    Yay for a great day! I love your avocado stuffed sandwich, nothing can go wrong with avos!

  6. Katherine

    I never thought to put SP in a sandwich but I think you just changed my life!! I can’t wait to try this!

    I’ll admit, I didn’t watch The Office but I think yur reception goals are very noble…

  7. Peanut Butter Bliss

    yay for having an awesome day 🙂 woot woot!!
    i would to if I had a great looking sweet potato in my sammie!

  8. adrianna

    def cried during the episode…from laughing, joy, and just so damn sweet!

    had a ?–how do you make your sweet potatoes? they look steamed…? bc i only use the oven, but if sometimes i want it fast, was wondering how i could achieve that. oh crap, twss 🙂

    here’s to no torn scrotums at your reception, but dancing splits galore!

  9. mycupofteas

    I watched it yesterday and didnt cry but it was so cute! I was smiling nonstop like the biggest goofball!

  10. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    I wish I could have met up with you and Ellie for coffee! Now THAT sounds like a fun Sat morning 🙂

  11. Katie

    Yes for SP in a sandwich! There is a good chance that will be making its way into my mouth at some point today.

    I also LOVED the office. LOVED. Kevin’s “hair” was just about the bet thing I’ve ever seen.

  12. Nellie

    LOVE the office. my mom cried the entire time.

    i have a feeling your reception is going to be better than a party in the usa.

  13. Abby

    In the new issue of “EveryDay with Rachael Ray” there’s a recipe for a veggie panini with sweet potato…great culinary minds think alike! (Actually, I can only deal with her in magazine form and being veg, rarely make her recipes, but this one looked good!)

    I am SO jealous of your coffee date. Fun times!

  14. julie

    dude I cried like a little BITCH when I watched the wedding. Like it’s almost embarrassing the amount of tears that came from my face. It was ridiculously good. the episode.

    yay for fun starbreezies date!

  15. carolinebee

    literally best office episode EVER!! Perfect blend of hilarious, awkward and a little sappy 😀

  16. jessica

    jealous of the wf’s lovin’, jealous of all that fresh fruit and jealous of that rando/delicious-sounding/fabulosooooo sandwich!! i’ve gotta try mixing tofurkey and a sweet p together, next chance i get!!

    oh oh! forgot to tell you-the flattened bananas are amaze. find a way to get them and BUY THEM. you will absolutely adore how sweet they are! and my new fave snack involves rolling those bad boys up with some peanut butter AND carob chips. oh my gahhh, you’d die!

  17. Abby

    Your sammie looks absolutely delish!! I love coming up with random fillings.. sweet potato rounds are my favorite! 🙂

  18. Steph

    The Office episode has moved up to my favorite episode EVER!! And yes, I think I cried 3 times!!

  19. jenngirl

    Glad you had so many amazing points to your day!! And I STILL need to watch the Office wedding, ahhh can’t wait 🙂

  20. elise

    DUDE! this was thursday (yes, im a bit behind) – twss

    BBM sessions with K are #1-10 alone for friday 🙂

  21. elise

    right? i think its pretty legit. but with kyles friends, you never know…

  22. elise

    i know what you mean. thats exactly how i feel about rachel. i guess you might as well take what you can from it?

  23. elise


  24. elise

    gahhhh. ok i need to start a mental list of TJs things to bring back from ca with me when i go next week. the NYC TJs is too darn busy.

  25. elise

    glad it wasnt just me. it was SOOO good 🙂

  26. elise

    omg jenn. do it now!!!! right now!

  27. elise

    hahaha. i love you j$

  28. elise

    oh it will be effing ON. til 3 in the AM, we are gonna be hittin the dance floor 🙂

  29. elise

    YES! as much as i hate the micro, sometimes its QUITE the life saver. i slice em into thin rounds and alyer them (like scalloped potatoes) in a glass pan with a glass plate on top (i really avoid heating plastic bc of the chemicals and sh!z).

    its so fast and easy…and even though i love the way the oven makes em crispy, i hate the constant fire alarm (we live in a zero by zero square foot apt after all…

  30. elise

    pineapple is SUCH an underrated fruit. i never want these fruits to go out of season!

  31. elise

    i wanted to be jim and pam for halloween, but kyle refuses to dye his hair. cmon! man up…its not like he has a job or anything that he has to look professional for…oh wait.

  32. janetha

    mmm the avocado sandwich is making my mouth water!