Monthly Archive: December 2011

Staying on track for the holidays?

In case you need some statistical (slash numerical) motivation…   This information is meant to be fun so use it however you want…but don’t make yourself crazy.  It’s just food.  If you pass on pumpkin pie because it takes “26 minutes to burn off those calories” I will be semi-angry with you.  But if you pass on 3rd and 4th servings of pumpkin pie because of this info, then I support your self-control.  🙂

"How about your husband?"

How does he eat?  Is he vegan too?  If I had a nickel for every time someone asked that question…well…I wouldn’t quit my day job or anything, but still, it happens a lot. Kyle prefers to remain unlabeled, and I think that’s perfect.  It’s definitely easier than saying he’s a sometimes vegetarian who eats cheese, but drinks almond milk and is high raw and vegan when his wife cooks, but occasionally orders meat when he’s at a nice restaurant and it’s from a responsible source.  Right?  It’s only natural that our habits and preferences rub… Read more >

Readers request: tofu

  Question: I’ve seen you prepare tofu, but it doesn’t appear you cook it and you just use it as a smear on bread or something – is it okay to do that with tofu (not cook before eating)? I am one of those weird people who thinks tofu tastes good plain.  But most people like it baked, fried, or cooked in some way.  However, to answer your question, no, you don’t need to cook tofu.  When you buy it, technically it’s already been cooked.  Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the… Read more >

Something I owe

I’m making good on my outstanding debts. Here’s the long promised coconut cashew butter recipe. Coconut Cashew Butter 2 cups unsweetened coconut flakes 1 cup raw cashews 1 tsp salt 1 1/4 cup water First I pulsed the coconut and cashews for 5 minutes.  That’s a long time.  I scraped down the sides between each minute session. After it started to get thick and wet I started adding water in 1/4 cup increments. I added the water while it was pulsing (leaving the top on and just pouring the water through the shoot). Depending on… Read more >

Day trip to Toledo

May 17th After a hideous night’s sleep I was extremely grumpy in the AM.  I hid it pretty well although I don’t think I strung more than ten words together until noon. We cafe-d and got desayuno para llevar and then set off to Atocha for the second day in a row.  [This time we actually had the intention of going somewhere] Having already purchased tix the day before, we had time to sit and enjoy breakfast before boarding the renfe train to Toledo. My seat mate was tuning me out. Clearly, I wasn’t enjoying… Read more >