A weird start to 2017

Here is our first dinner of 2017.  Kale salad.  So detox-y, so typical.

With a home-made miso tamari ginger dressing, this was the only “me” thing about the start of the year…let me back up.

We rang in the new year like lame-os.  Or 99% of parents of toddlers.  We did nothing.  We had a kiddo birthday party on the 31st and did a fake ball drop for the littles at noon.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1!  Happy New Year!!!

Cue the balloon chaos.

I brought P his own cupcake (I asked my friend what flavor they were doing since I have both in my freezer ready for these moments).

I send them to school with him to for the surprise birthday treats that his classmates bring in.  And they keep them in the freezer and whenever they need another one they send home the baggy with a note “please send more”.

And I do.

I had champs because why not!


I couldn’t really think of any good concrete actionable resolution despite long talks with Kyle and my girlfriends.  I don’t have many things I feel I need to change in my life in terms of my fitness and/or diet…I eat well, I like kale and chocolate equally, I exercise too much, and frankly I think I’m the healthiest I have ever been.  I feel balanced in that regard.

Where I struggle is in cutting out time for myself without feeling guilty about it.  And now that I’ve stopped nursing V and they are getting a bit older (and more independent), I can see glimmers of a future in which I have time to get my own – gasp – hobbies back.  But I’m not quite sure how a resolution can foster the growth of that.  So it’s just something I’m aware of and keeping in the forefront of my mind.

But back to January 1st!  Rabbit rabbit.

The next morning we met the same friends (of the birthday boy) for brunch at Putah Creek Cafe in Winters.  What a cute town!!  I’d never been but it reminds me of Sonoma like a million years ago before it got super wine-o trendy.  It has a nice little downtown plaza with a main street of cute restaurants…and cyclists kinda run the place.

I brought food for both P and V but ordered french toast for moi.

Look at those eager faces as the adult food arrives…

Afterwards we went on a walk down to the water…the salmon already came a few weeks ago so we were just pretend fishing.

After that, Kyle found out he was going to have business in Florida and would have to leave the next day.  Meanwhile, in Davis it was forecasted to be 20-30 degrees and get hit by record breaking rain storms.  Floods even.

SOOOOO, guess what I did.  I decided to tag along!  And then we spent the rest of the 1st trying to coordinate hotel rooms, car rentals, flights, and stroller rentals, so that Kyle could do his solar thang and we could enjoy the sunshine and maybe overlap for a little bit.

Flying with P is literally something I dread doing.  I get such anxiety and it must take years off my life…and V as a lap child!?!  Laughable.  She is like a monkey who escaped from the zoo when we try to get her to snuggle.  Containing her is nearly impossible…but the thought of warmth was calling to me.  So I did it.  I pulled the trigger because IT IS SO UNLIKE ME!  And 2017 is going to be a year of me saying yes to things I want.

It’s just crazy to me that we woke up on the 1st thinking we were going to spend the next week in town getting errands done and cleaning the house and basically just vegging out until school started and then BAM we were packing and trying to do all these last minute things – freeze the perishable food, write thank you notes, put away all the Christmas decor, and so much more.

I’m a person who likes to be prepared.  I’m not impulsive.  I make calculated decisions with a bunch of planning and foresight.

But apparently all bets are off when the temperature dips to freezing.  I mean, Florida is the sunshine state after all.

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