Brooklyn weekend

Last weekend was my first ever time away from my little boy.  It had to happen eventually…and if I’m being honest, it wasn’t something I was looking forward to at all.  It’s not that I was concerned about him while I was away (Kyle is a completely hands-on parent and can take over seamlessly), I was concerned about how I would do while I was away.  Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds.  The thing about being a stay at home mom is that (a) I’m always with my son and (b) we lead a very frugal lifestyle (because we are living on one income) so we don’t have a babysitter or child care with whom we leave Patty-cakes for nights out on the town or vacations or…anything!  So yeah, the time finally came that I had to separate myself from my child for an entire THREE days.  I had anxiety going into it because I am not a good flyer anyway, but it’s different once you have a kid.  Plus I’m a worry about/hyper-analyze every single potential scenario kind of person.  ANYWAY!  I wouldn’t fly across the country for just anyone.  I was super freakin’ excited to see my bestie and her brand new baby girl.  Long time readers will remember Jessica, who is basically my soul mate because we are the same person in so many ways and we have known each other since the beginning of time (exaggerations, but semi true).

I’ve been trying to convince her to get knocked up since 2011 (when I was preggo with P) and she finally gave in.


She is pretty much in love with being a mom so we spent 99% of the weekend just staring at her little girl.


I got mega snuggle time, too.


We left the apartment twice in those three days, which was a big deal for us since we could basically live in sweatpants and order takeout for life, but we had a pediatrician appt which forced us to brave the 29 degree weather.  I do not miss NY for the record.


The rest of the time we were tackling this pile of DVDs.  And we did mega damage by the way (unpictured: Magic Mike and Sex and the City).  Her husband was thrilled, obviously.


Okay, last photo of this little beauty.


When I came home, it was like nothing had changed.  Except P had a cold and wanted extra mama snuggles.  Twist my arm.  🙂


Back to meal prepping I go!

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