
H2Oh No

This just keeps getting better and better… Turns out denying the electricians access to our apartment yesterday may have been a blessing in disguise.  Now they can fix both the plumbing and the stove/oven “issues” at the same time while I vacate the apartment for greener pastures (by which, of course, I mean Starbucks).  That’s the only positive thing I can say about being without water for the majority of the day.  I woke up early to clean the apartment and make myself presentable, and at 8:45 on the dot the doorbell rang and next… Read more >

Still in progress

After getting back from a weekend at home, I made myself a ridiculously ambitious to-do list. Mondays already suck, this was overkill. Moody monday coffee. After the caffeine hit my brain I was feeling energetic and began to tackle my list with a carpe-diem-style vigor.  Bring it. Breakfast went from the above, to the below in ~30 minutes. Butternut banana oat cakes Texture-wise it still needs perfecting, so for now no recipe, but I’ll get it up soon.  It held me over for hours.  Crazy talk, right? When lunch time rolled around I had alittle… Read more >

Sprout salad

First things first, the randomly chosen Zevia giveaway winner is… #59 – Danielle When we were little kids, my cousin and I used to think it was hysterical to put fake ice cubes (the ones with the spiders inside) in people’s glasses of soda! Thanks for the giveaway – I’d love to try Zevia! Congrats Danielle!  Email me your address and I’ll get the soda sent to you asap! I have another great giveaway tomorrow too (or maybe tonight if I can get my act together), so if you didn’t hit the jackpot this time, there’s… Read more >

Social Light

This weekend was a reminder of why Kyle and I moved back to the West Coast.  No offense NYC, but when it comes to the weather and the social scene, California is where the party’s at!  I may be well out of college, but that doesn’t mean I’m an old fart (yet).  This weekend I was drawn to keg parties and tailgates like a moth to a flame.  I don’t mind a seedy bar once in a while either. But before I get to the brew-fueled festivities, let me back up to Friday. You like… Read more >

Eggless is Best

Sorry Chicken Little, I’m sure you have a fine product, but I have a egg salad alternative that will make even non-vegans dig in.  Talk about a timely post.  With the recall fresh on people’s minds, I’m fairly certain eggs aren’t flying off the grocery shelves quite like they used to… This recipe was the result of half a box of unclaimed silken tofu.  Unclaimed?  As if Kyle would be fighting me for tofu!?!?  Ha!  Ok, so I had leftovers from an undocumented carob tofu pudding dessert (when late night munchies strike all bets are… Read more >