clean food recipe

A full lunch hour

This morning’s subway commute was eerily empty.  It always creeps me out a bit when there is nobody else in the car with me.  But then, I guess it’s better than being packed in the train like a can of sardines… Munchables for the day: Apple, dried papaya/pears, 365 spelt pretzels, PB&J dipped MoJo bar, Honey Graham Z bar, and un ensalada enorme. Work was nice and slow.  Happiness!  I love it when I get a full hour lunch break.  I enjoyed each and every bite of my packed eats. I even got off work… Read more >

Thanksgiving prep: vegan cornbread

I’m not sure if cornbread is a traditional Thanksgiving dish per se…but you always see lots of corn in those cornucopia things, so the pilgrims must have had access to fresh cornmeal, right?  Sure, we’ll go with it…(plus, lately, I’ve been craving cornbread like whoa).  To be honest, I do get cravings for non-vegan items every once in a while, and since they are usually fairly random, I’m forced to either (a) get over it, or (b) figure out how to make it vegan myself.  In honor of my Thanksgiving alone, I decided it was… Read more >

Thanksgiving prep: vegan dip

Here’s the deal.  I’ll be alone in NYC for Thanksgiving, while Kyle and the rest of my family and his will be on the West Coast.  :(  This sucks, but I am determined to make the most of it.  So, rather than wallow in self pity (do you hear the violins?), I have decided to make my own solo T-giving celebration.  Only mine will be a week long. That’s right, time is on my side.  I may miss out on the crackling fire, doing puzzles with my sisters and cousins, and tossing the football in… Read more >

Time check

Let’s see if I can piece my Saturday together… 2:30  Wake up check clock, go back to sleep 3:00  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:00  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:35  Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 5:13  Alarm goes off…finally this wake up call is for real 5:14  Brush teeth and brush hair slick the afro back into a ponytail 5:20  Get dressed (my scrubs, undies, tank, socks and shoes are always neatly laid out on the chair in the living room so I don’t wake… Read more >

Oven obsessed

I have literally been living at the office hospital.  And yet, somehow I have managed to churn out heaps of produce in the few hours I have been home.  Seriously, our apartment is where produce comes to die (death by baking anyone?).  Wanna see a few of my success stories (if you said no…well…tough sh!t).  😉 FINALLY!!  (I think kale chips have been on my to-make list for a year now).  It’s about damn time, Elise. Massaged with cooking spray, nooch, and salt (like, a LOT of salt), then baked at 350 for 10-15 minutes. … Read more >