soy ice cream

Tupperware tupperwhere?

I woke up this morning and found that Kyle had left me a note. Obviously these vegan, gluten free, agave sweetened brownies satisfied my boy’s taste buds! Poor guy was at the office until the wee hours of the night (long after I went to bed), so when he got home he went to town on the remaining baked goods. Thanks to his note, I got a good laugh in as I headed off to work. Packed lunchables.  Yes, TWO apples today.  Honestly, I feel like I should bring in more, but my reputation on… Read more >

Is sloth really a vice?

I have been putting EVERY effort into helping my body heal, so after several consecutive days of working, I was really looking forward to sleeping in and skipping the gym.  I slothed it up on the couch all day long.  I kid you not.  ALL.DAY.LONG.  What goes with laziness?  TV and grub.  Enter DVR and a marathon of breakfasts. My toast with Smart Balance light (it’s vegan, yo) didn’t hold me over very long, so an hour later I opted for a bowl of granola to supplement my brekkie (and a super overflowing cup of… Read more >