
peace, love, and happiness

Are you a hippie, too?  Looks like green living is making a comeback! Side note:  Earlier today I was enjoying my AM dose of mindless television, when a news brief interrupted the program.  Now ordinarily I’d be delighted to hear Obama’s economic words of wisdom, but when they interrupt The View’s green tips…well it takes a bit of the edge off (sorry Mr. President).  Since youtube couldn’t fill in the gaps, I decided to post a few myself (these are kitchen specific).  As I’ve said before, do what you can, even a tiny change can… Read more >

January goals

So I decided to do a monthly to-do list…yes, I love my lists!!! It’ll be a continuous 2009 resolution. January 1. Take my first yoga class2. Go to spinning class (I love it, but for some reason haven’t been in forever)3. Make my own sushi4. Dinner at Candle 79 with Jess5. Draw6. Get a massage (tough one, but I’m not good at pampering myself)7. Visit friends in Philly8. Try a new vegan restaurant9. Volunteer10. Read

Green eating

Carbon footprint of a bowl of cereal? I came upon this article the other day. It is really interesting and discusses the impact we have on the environment, not just in the obvious aspects of our lives (driving SUVs, etc.) but in areas we hardly think about – our food choices. Local or imported? Conventional or organic? Can we make choices that will keep our diets healthy and reduce our carbon footprint? Is it possible to eat green? Does it even matter? The idea that the carbon footprint of a bowl of cereal is equivalent… Read more >

My life can begin NOW

INTRODUCING……the caffe froth! This little baby is worth an entire blog entry! All you do is add milk to the line (approx 1/3 cup) and give it a few pumps up and down (insert nasty joke here) and VIOLA!…you end up with this perfect frothy foamy creamy delicious milk. It is truly amazing. Then you can heat it up afterwards and it still retains the froth! I felt like a barista! I can’t use enough exclamation points to express how cool this appliance is. I would recommend it to EVERYone. Look how much foam in… Read more >