Day 13 and Day 14: kombucha and kimchi

The last of the yummy baked zucchini thing…womp womp.  Big old sad face now that that’s gone.

I had a modest amount of cashew butter (by my standards) because I had two coffees with almond milk as well.  I haven’t been having that second cup since the first week of this charade so I was more full than usual.

This lunch had me swooning because the pork was soooo salty, and thanks to the perfectly ripe and massive avocado, the balance was absolutely fantastic.  You can’t tell how much meat was there, but it was much more than I probably needed so I was quite full after finishing it.  But, like the rest of the meals I’ve been eating lately, it didn’t make me feel full in a big bloated way.  I just felt comfortably un-hungry until that evening.

Gobble meal kit!

I decided to get two meals delivered this week because there were new things that caught my eye that could also be fairly easily adapted for my diet while still accommodating the rest of the family(‘s desire to eat carbs).

Here’s Kyle’s portion of the swordfish.

And mine.

I know it looks depressing, but trust me, the fish was so flavorful I was more than happy with it.

I only got a two person portion, so Kyle and I got the two swordfish steaks and I pulled an ahi steak from the freezer for the kids.  It was perfect, actually, because I have had one lone ahi steak in the freezer for a while now, not knowing what to do with it because it’s not like you can do much for a family of four with a single filet, ya know!?  They loved the ahi – even though they thought it was swordfish.  😉  Everyone else had the coconut rice on the side too.

Kombucha to close out the night.

Banola for breakkie on day 14.  TWO WEEKS!!  I’m really amazed and proud that I’ve made it this far.  I mean, I don’t want to say I doubted myself, but you guys know what a crazy chocoholic I am.  And how obsessed with kettle chips I am.  Those cravings were not easy to ignore/deny.

I ate my salad for lunch right out of the clamshell because I was going to finish it, so why dirty an extra bowl? I added my home-made balsamic dressing, half and avocado, carrots, and the rest of the smoked salmon. Mmmmm.

Another gobble dinner!

I really got the delivery for this meal because it sounded sooooo good.  Korean bulgogi beef lettuce cups with sweet potato noodles and kimchi!!!! Yes.  Please.

I was even excited enough by it to loosen up the carb/sugar restrictions to take on the noodles.

The korean BBq sauce was SPIC-AY and I was sweating and coughing and guzzling water, but man were those flavors stellar.  In the end, I chose to give Kyle most of my noodles though, because while the flavors were good, it wasn’t really worth it.  Also, the BBQ sauce and beef were seasoned with sugar, onion, and garlic, so I really didn’t want to push my gut more than that.

I had two more lettuce cups after.  First time having Korean food!  Thanks gobble!!

PS If anyone is interested in trying gobble I think I’ve bought enough that I get to give some away, so leave your a comment (with the email address you want to use in the section that you fill out) and I can send you a few free meals.  I think I have at least 6 to give away, so first come first served…

Kombucha for dessert, again.  I’m out of kombucha!!!  Better get to the store stat.  Kimchi and kombucha have to be getting that good bacteria going, amiright?!?!?  Onto the next week!

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Comments (29)

  1. Carol Bouma

    Hi-I would be interested in some gobble meals. thanks!

  2. Marisa

    If only they delivered to Florida! They look fantastic and I love that they have vegan and omni options.

  3. Junghwa

    I’d love to try gobble meals!!
    You can totally make Korean sauces without the sugar! You can add pear juice (puréed) instead for meat!!! It not only gets rid of the meaty or fishy smell but the sweetness!

  4. Laura

    Oooh I’d love to try gobble! That swordfish looks amazing!

  5. Christine

    I would love a free meal.
    Christine at


  6. Chelsey

    I would love to try Gobble. Your meals from it always looks so appetizing.

  7. Zainab

    I’ve never done a meal service, I wouldn’t mind trying this out Elise! I’m curious about their vegetarian options. Thanks!

  8. Rachel

    I’d love to try Gobble! We seem to have similar tastes, and the meals you’ve shown look amazing!

  9. Jill

    Been loving seeing your progress Elise and that it’s been worthwhile to go on this diet. I may have to do an SIBO diet too

  10. Ashley O'Connor

    The gobble meals sound so yummy! My email is

  11. Jennifer T.

    I would love to try Gobble! I’ve been a little hesitant to try the meal services that I keep seeing around, I do a good job of menu planning and all that. But pregnancy #2 is seriously kicking my butt and when I return to work full time after this baby is born I think I will probably appreciate the help ;)Anything that means less take out/premade meals is a huge win in my book!

  12. Joy

    Thanks for your reviews! I would LOVE to try gobble. I’ve been really intrigued by all these delicious meal deliveries but have avoided them thus far due to the cost. A few free meals would be a great introduction and such a treat. It might be useful during a busy workweek when we don’t have time to cook.

  13. Courtney

    Ha–I eat out of the lettuce clamshell all the time too 🙂

  14. Janice

    Thanks for the offer! I would love to try the Gobble.

  15. Angie

    Have you considered brewing your own kombucha? It seems like doing it would be right up your alley! I started a couple months ago and it’s quite easy. My husband got me the kombucha starter kit from The Kombucha Shop, and I bought swing top bottles from Amazon. Then you can make tons of fun flavor combos!

  16. Melissa Boehner

    We have never tried a meal delivery, so would love to try it out- especially with a busy toddler and work schedules!

    Way to go on your chocolate cravings! Gives me hope!! 🙂

  17. Laura

    Hi Elise. Love your blog and would love to try Gobble. The meals look Delish 🙂


  18. Jess

    Uhh…yes, please! I haven’t broken into the meal delivery market yet, so a part of me is nervous to open that door, but I also think I should test it out soon. I think when my acute care rotation hits I’ll be wanting a bit of help in the kitchen switching it up!

    Also, I just tried out my dad’s favorite pulled pork recipe (so tasty) so your pic of pork with avocado is giving me flashbacks to my lunch today. 😀

    Ps. I was lazy (hence, no comment) when you posted that mint gelato dark chocolate bar from the other day…but I’m really looking forward to your review on it. (Once you can eat chocolate again.)

  19. Elise L

    Would love to try a Gobble meal – thx!

    Found your blog a couple years ago when googling information about FodMap. Thx for it!!

  20. Devon

    I would LOVE to try this gobble meal delivery service. I’m a long time reader but a first time commenter. I love all of your posts and look forward to reading them when you have a new one!

  21. Nikki

    It is so wonderful that you stuck to this and it’s paying off. When you first mentioned you’d be taking this approach, I was thrilled to read about it all. Eating in a way that allows you to feel, as you said, “comfortably un-hungry”, is so worth it. I have been reading your posts for so many years and relating to your tummy troubles while learning about mine along the way so, thank you! I purchased the collagen you mentioned and I’ve only been taking it for two weeks so I can’t say much but, so far so good! Thanks for the opportunity to check out gobble!

  22. Caroline @ Broccoli Hut

    I’ve totally had that same dilemma with ONE filet left in the freezer–not enough for the fam, but I really don’t feel like pulling it out just for me…Oh, and I do the same thing every week when I kill the spinach. No point in dirtying another bowl that I would inevitably have to clean!

  23. Lindsey

    Hm, I’m curious to try but – do you find it friendly for P’s allergies?

    Also – going back to read about this detox diet. Brb 😉

  24. Elise (Post author)

    His current diet, yes, but before he outgrew a bunch of stuff, no, I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else or any service. Thanks to oit I now feel confident that he is safe eating most things provided they can assure me there hasn’t been a reasons to be concerned about a cross contamination with peanuts.

  25. Ttrockwood

    Ok you MUST try more korean food!! I have always loved it but after a few trips to Seoul now i just can’t get enough….
    H mart is really awesome, you can order from them online since i don’t think there is one near you. White kimchi is my favorite, it’s not spicy and this one has the best flavor- and lots of probiotics!
    They also sell bulgolgi marinade which has pear puree so probably not good til you’re done with these next few weeks. You could totally use your zucchini in pajeon , the veggie heavy korean pancakes.
    Maangchi has every recipe you will ever need.

  26. Carol

    Thank you so much for my gobble meals Elise! So looking forward to getting them!

  27. Elise (Post author)

    You are so right!!! I want it allllll!

  28. Elise (Post author)

    Yay!! Hope you love them 🙂

  29. Laura

    I would love to try Gobble, thanks for passing freebies along! So kind!

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