Delicious apps

Another weekend in the books.  I like the weather so much right now…warm with a breeze…perfect for eating dinner outside.

Since P obviously can’t be outside all day, we do little intervals in the sun.  He’s obsessed with “outside” <– his favorite word.  He knows exactly what it means and we think he’s trying to say it himself sometimes.  He points to the door handle and begs to go out nearly every second of the day.  Needless to say, we are in the shady portion of the yard as much as possible.

Anyway, we invited some (new) friends over for apps and drinks on Sunday afternoon.  We met at library time – they have a little girl P’s age – and she gives Patty-cakes a run for his money when it comes to toy hoarding.  They are both on the more social end of the spectrum.

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We didn’t have anything fancy planned for the afternoon, so we just made some quickie appetizers.

I recently got an email about a contest that Dare crackers is hosting, which involves a $250 Amex gift card prize.  You can all enter too – here’s the link.

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While I was there browsing, I got a few ideas to make myself.  Anyway, you can vote for four (or more) Dare crackers’ recipes by clicking on the images and sharing your picks on Pinterest and then you’re entered to win a $250 amex gift card (FYI, be sure to click the “done” button to register your votes via email or Facebook).

Pretty sweet, right?

We are big fans of Dare crackers in this household.  We buy them in bulk from Costco – there’s one that has sesame seeds, so we don’t eat that one in the house due to allergies – but the pantry is always stocked with the multi-pack.  The grains first is my #1, but Kyle likes the Cabaret.  It’s pretty buttery so I can see why he’s a fan.

These are the crackers we use for all of our al fresco dinners.  My favorite pairing is Breton original + smoked trout + goat gouda + honey.  It has everything in one bite – sweet, salty, crunchy, savory perfection.  Highly recommend.  I’m actually thinking that would be a good entry for the “inspire every bite” sweepstakes.

Yup!  Another contest for you guys!  [I’m entering it too, but I’m obviously happy to pass along the info so you guys can enter as well!]

New Dare crackers chef and spokesperson, Kayne Raymond, will invite one lucky winner into the kitchen for the Inspire Every Bite Sweepstakes on Facebook. Go to Inspire Every Bite Sweepstakes and vote for your favorite recipe for a chance to co-host your next party with Chef Kayne.  Feeling inspired by a different flavor? Visit every day and cast your vote for a new favorite. Each vote is a chance to co-host your next party for nine guests with Chef Kayne Raymond.

But back to the weekend.

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Mellow and crazy in balance – just the way I like it.

P’s first (non-human) cousin arrived!!  My uncle’s pride and joy is now a mom – just in time for mother’s day – and I’m hoping we can go to Sonoma this week to visit.

She is so sweet and I’m thrilled that my uncle is now a grandpa.  And by the way, how adorable is this photo of pacman and Hermione (playing peek-a-boo) from last summer?  Hard to believe that was 8 months ago…seems like time is flying by.

So cliche Elise, so cliche.

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Relaxin’ all cool…

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Comments (3)

  1. Brigid

    Cliche but true. My guy is 5 months old. I can’t believe it!

  2. Karen

    So my daughter’s second word was “outside.” She would go to our back door which was this old 1950’s thing with untempered glass panes in it and would pound the glass saying what sounded like, “I died, I died!” Hilarious. We had to cover the panes with plexiglass until we could replace the door with something safer.

    The fresco dinner looks awesome. I tried that a couple times with our family last summer. My husband was so skeptical, I mean each of us could eat what’s in your picture by ourselves, and it was so much food to haul out for a family. I might try again this summer. Kids are a year older, still can’t help with setup and cleanup, but hopefully won’t be as complicated an eating situation.

  3. Livi

    P is too cute!! He’s getting so big!

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