Eat, work, run

Work it bay-bay.


My pre-packed food included:

THREE bars (PB cookie Larabar, Chocolate Brownie Z bar, and a Peanut Toffee Buzz Clif bar)

TWO apples

…and a partridge in a pear tree ONE ginorm salad


Like an onion, this sh!t had layers and layers: steamed kale, broccoli, BN squash, cannellini bean, cherry toms, and raisins – I added Bragg’s apple cider & liquid AA’s to it, too.  The spelt pretzels were the perf accompaniment (as anything with salt is).

For the record, I skipped my AM starbeezies and brought my own tea bags (and I plan on doing the same this weekend too).  I have big plans for this saved starbucks $$ 🙂

Work was busy and hectic, but manageable. 

I definitely was ready for something warm when I got home.  The weather is SO brrrrr!

Leftover 13 bean/seitan chili, holler.


In addition to the chili, I had the Arnold’ Schwarzenegger of carrots dipped in hummus and some carb-age.  Effing fantastico.


I actually had two slices of bread, but the first one looked like this (see below).


UN-ACCEPTABLE.  Small holes are fine, but not huge, gaping holes (twHs).  Speaking of loose women…in a church parking lot?!  Really?!?  Disgusting.


Dessert was hot cocoa and cinnamon-ed apples.  Typical.

Since this post was kinda a snooze-fest (food wise), how another “about me” answer? 

The second most popular question I got was about my running “career” (what a relief to know that I don’t bore you all with my race recaps).  So here’s the accumulated Q&A below:

How did you get so good at running?  Have you always been a runner?  What motivates you?  Have you ever done any other sports?

Awww…whoever asked that first question thanks for the compliment.  I’ll just chalk it up to good (read: athletic) genes and skip ahead to the real parts parts I can answer. 

I guess I’ve been running as long as I can recall.  I did just about every sport imaginable as a kid (volleyball, track & field, softball, swim team, etc.) – and being generally athletic – running just came with the territory.  However, it was never my primary focus.

Soccer was my life.  I started playing on a competitive level at 8 years old (on the Under-10 team thanks to my weird birthday) and continued throughout my adolescence playing for multiple teams at once, including the Olympic Development Program.  I had hours and hour of practices daily (hours away from where I lived, too) as well as tournaments nearly every weekend (I’ve been to every square inch of CA…including some of the most remote cow towns that I swear aren’t even on maps).  Because of this time commitment, almost everything other sport was secondary (and a distant secondary at that).  So as you can see, running was always a part of my life, but never anything I put much energy into, because ALL my energy was invested in soccer.

When junior/senior year of high school came around I was faced with a pretty tough decision…to pursue soccer or academics (not that you can’t do both, but different schools were offering me different opportunities).  As hard as it was for me to hang up my cleats, I knew that in terms of lifetime goals the best career move would be to attend UCLA and focus on my studies.  It was probably one of the most difficult choices I’ve ever had to make.  I often think back on how different my life would be had I chosen the other path.  So strange how life happens.  Anyways.  Without soccer in my life, I had so much more time to spare.  Coupled with the start of college, I discovered a whole bunch of other activities (boys).  Kidding. The newfound freedom was fun at first, but I found myself a bit antsy.  Not only did I miss the team camaraderie and fun that goes along with team sports, but I missed exercise. 

It wasn’t too long before I joined an intramural soccer team and was shocked at how out of shape I had gotten in just a few months.  How embarrassing!  I used to be such a stud on the turf and suddenly I was huffing and puffing after a few sprints.  Not cool.  To combat this, I started to run around campus (with the So Cal weather, you don’t need to belong to a gym) and improved my stamina greatly. 

My moderate approach to running (as a hobby, nothing more) continued throughout my undergrad, but after graduation I had even more time to devote to it.  I slowly increased my mileage over days, months, and years, and haven’t stopped running since!  Now it’s been nearly a decade and I average 20-30 miles a week. 

I love it.  I think what motivates me is the energy I feel after I work up a good sweat.  It puts a bounce in my step and a smile on my face.  You know that rumored “high” people get from endorphins?  Yeah, I’m addicted!  Sure, I miss soccer, but running is something you don’t need 10 other people to do.  Nor do you need fancy equipment, or machines, or a certain court/field/setting.  All you need is shoes.  That’s it.  Plus, you can go as fast or as slow as you want, or as near or as far as you want.  There are no requirements for your ability.  Anyone can do it.  After a crappy day, there’s really nothing that can restore my mood better than a good run.  And even on days that I’m feeling off, all I need is a good playlist and my sneakers, and I’ll be set – for miles and miles in my own little world. 

Currently, I live in a city that gets frigid in the winter months, so I am forced to rely on my gym membership (and the treadmill) far more than I’d like to.  So although running outside is my preference, it’s kinda out of the question once the temp drops below freezing.  Also, with my 12 hour shifts at work, there is no way I can run on days I work.  It’s just not possible (believe me I tried – and the first few months of work were miserable because of it).  Now I’ve found a more balanced (read: less sleep deprived) way to juggle my nursing career with my running career.  I will only run on days I have off of work, and I get the best mileage out of those days as possible.  It seems to be working for me, and I’m having a blast entering races for fun every once in a while, so there you have it! 

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Comments (16)

  1. janetha

    dang, too bad the partridge in the pear tree didn’t make the lunch pail. cool running thoughts! i admire those who can run like the wind. i run a few miles and am done for. i hope you have a lovely weekend lady! sorry i have been a slack ass as of late. p.s. holey bread is unacceptable. agreed!

  2. Marianne

    Your leftover 13 bean chili looks sooooo good to me right now….i’m sitting in three long sleeve shirts and fleece pants freezing!! Although it might have something to do with just drinking a cold kombucha tea! hmmmm….should switch to hot cocoa perhaps.

  3. shell625

    thanks for sharing about your running experiences 🙂 & i can never eat enougha pples..i love them!


  4. julie

    those bread makers must have had holes in their brains. who the heck allows a hole that sized in their product. morons.

    anyways! my little cuz is a soccer stud too! she just came back from a tournament in england 🙂 soccer’s pretty cool but it competes with volleyball seas. no mas haha i keed.

    awesome running story girl 🙂 you mean you didn’t want to suit up and run in the negative degrees through the streets of manhat tonight?

  5. Jenny

    girl you could invest in a new car with the money you save from starbies .. lattes ain’t cheap!

  6. kbwood

    i loved hearing about your running story!! still..very..jelous..of your LUNCHES!

  7. Jenna

    that peanut toffee buzz clif bar sounds delish!

  8. littleaspects

    Thanks for sharing your running story! Mine was similar – switched from competetive hockey (outdoor, not ice) to running (and played some social soccer for a few years in there). Used to miss the team thing too but now I love my long runs as time to myself.

    I’m totally with you on the apples too – my day is not complete without at least one! 🙂

    Really like your blog by the way – have been lurking for awhile and finally decided to comment 🙂

  9. preventionrd

    Seitan chili…smart. I gotta try that!

    I love your response to the running question. I feel very much so the same.

  10. ksgoodeats

    There is nothing worse than holey bread – what a carby rip off! Gah! Choosing between academics and athletics was THE WORST decision ever. To this day I still wonder how my life would have been different had I NOT chose athletics.

  11. Averie (LoveVeggiesandYoga)

    Greetings from the caribbean!! Anyway Elise I love the post…running, anyone can do it, anytime, anywhere, etc etc…SO TRUE and that’s why I run in supplement to my yoga. I’d say I run about 40 miles a week. I dont consider that to be that much just b/c I do run daily (more to escape the house for a half hour!!!) and then usually do a half hour or 45 mins with my hubs after he comes home from work just to talk. So I run as an escapism…literally and figuratively! Love yoga and that will always be my passion but running is also a fave and always will be 🙂

    Oh and I can TOTALLY 1 million percent see you as Mia Hamm incarnate. Seriously girl…that just explains so much. You are just a born soccer player, I can totalllllly see that from your pics and the olympic stuff? Tres cool!!!!

  12. Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat)

    I thought that holey bread was a bagel at first!

    I grew up around UCLA! The weather in So Cal is perfect for running anytime. I guess we don’t realize how spoiled we are.

  13. cmb0096

    First of all, I LOVE steamed kale on salads–it is so delicious! Second of all, how did you like the Peanut Toffee Buzz Cliff bar? Yay or nay? Third of all, I can’t believe you only (and not “only” in a bad way, I don’t mean it like that at all 🙂 ) run on your days off and you continue to get such amazing race times! It truly speaks to your dedication and commitment and real athleticism!


  14. maggie

    So need some hot coco and cinnamon apples right now! Girl after my own heart 😉


  15. Marina

    Love the snacks you pack for work and the cinnamon apples!!

  16. ethel

    LOL’d when you wrote, twhs. =)

    E, I would love to go to a soccer game with you someday and for you to share that soccer knowledge with me. I only know the off sides rule, but I think that came in handy when I used to watch the Brit play…And those highs on endorphins really do perk you up on crappy days. Did I share with you that I have to get orthodics? I’m getting fitted for them after the new year and hopefully they will help in reducing the pain I get after running a certain distance. Also, I am reducing the amount of heels time my feet get. Pretty much the doctor has said, no more heels for work, maybe once a week…bleh. Thinking positively though, at least my orthodics will give me more support to lead a more active lifestyle, right? Positive!

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