End of the week tid bits

Sometimes I like taking photos of the mundane…to remind myself of the random moments raising these kiddos.

That smoothie had a few different kinds of fruit – including a whole orange – as well as hemp seeds, almond milk, and a probiotic.

Precious little girl snuggles so hard with her bunny.

She doesn’t do anything half way.  Her smile is bigger than life…and her wail is equally Earth shattering.

A kale salad.  Standard.

This past Wednesday was the first day of farmer’s market, but it was also cloudy…and P had a tee ball game.  So I made dinner and we skipped market.

Broccoli salad 🙂

I used leftover chicken from dinner the night before.  Did I not show that meal?  Here it is.

It was a bomb lemon dijon chicken and asparagus dish with wild rice.  P is so funny with asparagus. He always says he doesn’t want the tips (bumpy parts), but it’s the first thing he picks out…and then he asks for more and more…and then he asks for the tips too.  And then he tells me he actually does like asparagus and that the tips are his favorite part.  This happens over and over. You think he’d learn by now that he actually likes asparagus, but whatever.

So there were no asparagus pieces left, but there was a cup or so of chicken.  I was a little nervous about the lemon flavor in this dish, but it actually didn’t matter once I added the rest of the ingredients.  Totally new meal!

Shredded chicken, broccoli, dried cranberries, vegan mayo, and salt and curry powder.

Then I let it chill in the fridge while we headed off to Jamba.

P didn’t nap and that was definitely going to be problematic for the 5:30 pm game start.  Yikes.

So what did I try to do?  Throw sugar on the problem obviously.  Ha.  But in all seriousness, I thought a treat would be a good way to boost everyone’s moods.  He’s so cute, I can’t stop taking pics of him in his uniform 🙂

I served the curry broccoli dish over rice.  It was SO GOOD.  Definitely a surprising success given that it wasn’t a planned meal (from now on we will be eating at farmer’s market as often as possible!).


The story of my parent fail for St. Patrick’s Day started on Thursday.  Knowing we would be gone on Friday (for his OIT appointment) I thought I’d celebrate on Thursday with green pancakes. Unfortunately, much like my beet juice “pink” pancakes from a week ago, the green thing didn’t really happen…

So.  I decided to make one hundred ordinary pancakes and freeze them and try again on Friday.

Part of me was already planning on making a sh!t ton of pancakes to freeze anyway, because we are going to LA for “spring break” later this month and I wanted to bring breakfasts with me so we could dine out at awesome LA restaurants and have food for P to take with me the whole time.

So now I can check that off the to-do list.  🙂

They liked the non-green pancakes great, so that’s awesome since they were packed with chlorella and other mega healthy stuff.  So then I decided I should use spinach to make them green the next day.  But then I was packing a million other things and making birthday muffins for V and well, I just plain forgot…oh and I also forgot to pack green clothes.  Out of all the things to pack I managed to bring a total of 4 different outfits for the kids with nary a dot of green.  Awesome work E! It’s not like his first name is the name of the holiday or anything!!!!!  Woops!  There’s always next year…

So the rest of Thursday was a little crazy.

This has been my breakfast of the week.

After dropping P off at school, V and I went to V her “school” and then I got down to business while she napped (P was fighting it for hours until he fell asleep oh so inconveniently at 3 oclock – a mere 15 minutes before I had to wake him to go to soccer).

First I ate my own lunch (because priorities) and then I made two batches of mini cupcakes for V’s birthday party (which took way too long because I only have one mini muffin pan). And then I packed for all our different events this weekend, including OIT and Kyle’s birthday and V’s birthday…

I’ll get to that soon.

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Comments (3)

  1. Dad

    last photo – super cute couple!

  2. Holly

    I quite often add extra kale with my leftover smoothly and use it for the liquid in my pancakes or waffles.

  3. Elise (Post author)

    clever!! love it!

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