Facebook and falafel

Remember back in the day when Facebook was new and cool and only for nerds college kids?  Those were the good ‘ol days…now it’s open to everyone and their mother.  And I mean that literally.  Parents on a “social networking” site is just awkward.  I’m sorry if it seems harsh, but I think all kids with mid-life-crisis-prone parents need to sit them down and explain to them what’s up.  If we don’t stand strong now and prevent this from progressing, next thing you know you’ll be accepting “friend” requests from your college professors, or worse, your Dad. 

Here are a few hints to help guide the old folks: (1) if at any point in our relationship I addressed you as Mr./Mrs./Dr./Prof. [fill in name here], we should not be FB friends, (2) if you just read that and asked yourself, “what’s FB?” we should not be FB friends, and finally (3) if you didn’t have an email address until this past year, we should not be friends (in life or on FB)…I keed, I keed.

I’ve done my part.  My poor Dad was rejected by not 1, but all 3 of his doting daughters.  So do your part for the sake of keeping things right in the world.  **Side note: this doesn’t apply to Gracie or Livy, your Mom has more cool factor in her pinky than I could ever dream of having.

Random.  Yes. 

Back to the eats.


Mmmm…coffee and Bridal mags.  Now that’s a combo that’ll perk you right up!

Guess what?  We have officially set a wedding date (i.e. we have the ceremony and receptions sites BOOKED).  Now I can take a breather for a month or two, then it’s back to business with researching photogs, DJs, flowers, guest lists, menus, DRESSES, ok, ok, you get the idea.


I’m all out of chobz, but all I wanted for breakfast was greek yog…so Oikos’ honey flave subbed in.  Meh.  I think I’ve made it fairly clear how I feel about Stoneyfield’s greek yogurt in the past…

I also had some prunes.  I don’t know what I was thinking on my last few grocery trips, somehow the apartment has nothing but hummus…I was scraping the bottom of the pantry coat closet for morning eats.  I know, it’s a rarity that I’m complaining about the amount of hummus on hand…mark this date down in your calendar’s kids, because, trust me, you won’t hear it ever again.


Lunch time rolled around at 11 (not much staying power in prunes and a yogurt apparently).  Fortunately, my WF trip yesterday did provide me with today’s lunch.  Falafel veggie burgers!!

I know I bought these before and said they were just “okay,” but I knew the addition of Sabra’s roasted red pepper hummus could makeover anything…and it did not disappoint!


I sliced the little buggers in half, added a dollop of hummus in the middle, and voila!  Mini-burger-sammiches!  I left some open faced, but ate some like little hummus filled burgers.

IMG_3127  IMG_3128

Aren’t they so cute?  I sliced up an apple too, to maximize hummus dipping. 

Since it was only 11 when I had my first lunch, I was ready for my second lunch by 1…good thing I still had 2 more falafel burgers left.  Phew!


Uh oh.  That Sabra’s looking awfully low!  I finished it with the second apple.  Yeah, act shocked.

Grocery shopping was a non-negotiable today…so once the stormy skies took a little break from their thunder and lightning chorus, I bolted out.


This is what 8 pounds of dried fruit looks like.  In case you were wondering.


I had a few of these and then after Roddick finished off Hewitt, I headed to the gym.  It was later than I usually like going to the gym, and once I got there I remembered why.  Crowd control to Major Tom…

I managed to get a machine after only 10 minutes of waiting.  If only the weather would cooperate, the gym wouldn’t be such a hot commodity.  Where did you go summer?

On my way home from the gym, I did a bit more shopping, which ended up in some exploring…which ended up in a discoveryShould I just give them my bank account number now?  I am BEYOND words excited!!!  That’s literally blocks from our apartment.  I love you Whole Foods.


Another EITF-er…topped off with sesame sticks.  YUM!

IMG_3135 IMG_2710

Half-way through, I was still lovin it…but I was in the mood for hummus (I think I’m going to have to change the name of my blog if I keep up with this hummus habit).  It’s almost laughable.  I mean I’m literally looking at my photos from each day, thinking HOW do I eat so much hummus?

Anyways, more carbs?  Sure why not.  I had generic whole wheat bread with classic Sabra hummus.  After eating only live sprouted bread for so long, regular ww bread tastes so empty – nutritionally empty AND fluffy empty.  I only had it because Kyle got too many out for himself was too lazy to put the last slice away. 


I only had a little bit of dessert…medjools with carob chips

I am really really loving the de-lurking of readers lately.  I heart you all so much and it makes me happy just knowing that even 2 people care about anything I have to say…

This blog means a lot to me, so when I can pass on anything from my seitan recipe to my latest good read, well, it’s really gratifying.

Ok, before I go to bed, a MAYJ giveaway is going on right now…seriously, here’s the most amaze giveaway of all time.  Snackface rocks my world.  I REALLY wanna win, but I’d settle for a runner-up prize of being her personal assistant.

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Comments (18)

  1. Maggie

    Aw, your poor dad! Neither of my parents have joined yet, but I’m friends with Bobby’s cousins who are actually my parents’ age. Scary.

    Congrats on setting a date 🙂

    Have a good night Elise!

  2. broccolihut

    Yeah, both of my parents are on Facebook…and my aunts and uncles…and distant cousins. You said it best: awkward.

  3. MarathonVal

    Thanks for giving me the info and answers to my “raw” questions Elise! 🙂

    And haha, my dad got rejected by my sis on FB too (I actually set him up with it, oddly enough….. I know, what was I thinking?!?!), and your posting cracked me up!

  4. insideiamdancing

    those felafel ‘sandwiches’ look AMAZING! I want felafel now (not that it happens often that I *don’t* want felafel, but my cravins don’t usually kick in at 6am…)

    My parents are both on Facebook- and can’t understand why neither me nor my brothers add them as friends. Then they randomly tag me on photos from when I was 5. Oy vey. Not cool mommy dearest…got a rep to protect 😛

  5. Sarah

    No worries, I’m not on facebook, but if I was, I’d definitely try to be your friend 😉

    I read your post to Chris and we were both cracking up, so thanks for making my night.

  6. homegirlcaneat

    Oh gosh, FB should def be a high school/college email account only kind of thing. If your work has a network, sh!t ain’t right. I mean really, don’t join the AT&T network you goob! However, I do block my brothers + my brother’s girlfriends from my albums, wall, etc. Why? Because those b!tches tattletale like 8 year olds on da playground! NO BUENO!

    Moving on, I am eating hummus twice a day too. If I could eat it for breakfast without wanting to gag, I would eat it then too.

    YAAAAYYY FOR WEDDING! Is it in Cali? Or New York Citay? Either way, I have a feeling hummus will be involved.


  7. Jessica (jesslikesithot)

    Could those falafel sandwiches be any cuter?!?! I think not.

    Sooo if you weren’t a hungry hungry hippie, would you be a…. HUMMUS-hungry hippie?! HHH remains! 🙂

    And please send over some of that dried fruit lovin’….yo girl who likes it HOT is in need of the goods. Especially dried pineapple rings. At least I have my newman’s dried apricots! Have you tried those??? Sooo cinnamon-y & GOOD!

    P.S. So my brothers all have F-books, but are still fairly young (late twentiesss)….but I still rejected them. Just can’t have my family members reading my every WALL post and drunk or sober or awkward vids that my friends and I leave for each other…hahahh….you understand!

    P.P.S. Hellllo sesame sticks, YUM!

  8. Lara (Thinspired)

    I could not agree more! All of my extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins) are joining facebook and can’t understand my hesitation to add them. My mom is on now, too, which doesn’t freak me out as much as it would if my dad joined.

    I think it’s because we have all been on it for so long that we really consider it a platform for communicating with our friends. And really, I don’t my aunt seeing pictures of me from the sorority exchagne two years ago, etc. Or if I write in my status that I’m having a bad day, I don’t want a huge list of questions from my family about why, and what can they do, and can we talk about it?! Yikes.

  9. Courtney

    Okay, so am I the LAST person in the world who is not on Face Book?! I seriously got an invite to be a “friend” to my 86 year old great aunt who is a missionary in Tahiti! What!? How can SHE be on Face Book?! And your dad?! My mom is even on My Space (something else I refuse to do). Hmmm…must I rethink my FB and My Space ban?! Or maybe it’ll be “cool” soon to NOT be on them…?

    8 lbs of dried fruit–haha…that looked like a days worth to me. I think I have a problem?! I think we need help for our dried fruit and hummus addictions…


  10. ksgoodeats

    Ugh Facebook needs to go back to just college kids! I’m tired of adding the preteens that I coach and then having to censor some of my pictures. My parents know not to even add me 😉

    I don’t care about the review – I want those falafels in my stomach now! NOW! When we have our hummus/coffee fest I think falafels need to be on the menu. In a twisted way falafels are kind of hummus anyway, right?!

    Have a FANTASTIC Friday 😀

  11. sunshineach

    I need to move. Seriously.
    I need to live in a city with a WF or TJ and falafel that doesn’t cost $15 from a restuarant for three little things of it.
    I need to get over it and just keep living my WF life through you… (big, pathetic sigh here).

    Anyway, I always feel like a witch-with-a-b when I reject someone via Facebook, but come on now…there’s a family limit. I talked my mom out of joining by telling her that people from her past would find her and bombard her with e-mails and old pictures (she has NO interest in Facebook).

  12. carolinebee

    ELISE…i have a BONE to pick with you!!!!!! I never switched over to your wordpress- and I felt a huge HHH sized hole in my heart for the last like, 3 weeks……

    I mean I know it’s my B but, you could have come and holla’d at me!!!!! 😀

    MIsssssed ya, CB + HHH = happiness and joy!

  13. snackface

    I love you. Yup. Come be my assistant anytime. Tasks include: snack arranging, eating snacks with me, making profane jokes during work like I do, sipping tea and coffee all day, perusing magazines, more eating…it’s a good life.

    So, I’m friends with one of my high school teachers. He was a maj. hottie and we message back-and-forth sometimes. Unfortunately, he’s married and totally in love and has three kidlets so I can’t have that affair I’ve always dreamed about. My dad also just got facebook. SCARY.

    Oh falafels! I need them now! I haven’t had one in like a year or something stoopid.

    Come to SF now. K, that would be splendid. Have a lovely Friday!

  14. elise

    NO!!!!! Sorry c-line 🙁 I lost way more readers than I thought I would in this wordpress switcheroo, but I HAVE missed you the MOST.

    I’m not very good at advertising the whole subscription part of blogging, clearly, since I don’t understand it at all myself. Hope you are all caught up!
    I may be heading to a wedding in Newport in Aug, so I’ll keep you updated. Since this is wedding #7 THIS YEAR, I may not be able to get off work. Either way, if I’m in So Cal, can we have a WF/TJs date?

  15. Kristen

    My mom recently used “friend” as a verb referring to FB!

    As in, “I’ll friend her.”

    This was frightening to say the least!

    Watching Roddick and Murray now…crazy good.

  16. julie

    “hungry hungry hummus hippie” h to the 4th power.

    yeah so apparently rain is the new sun..

    I am TOTES with you on the old peeps facebook thang. One of my friends GRANDMOTHER tried to friend me..facebook fail.

    when i saw your burger sammies i went outloud “awww” hahaha

  17. blueeyedheart

    Wait, I’m confused… what’s the discovery??

    I remember when FB was only for college students, and my college wasn’t even on there. Hmph.

    <3 <3

  18. elise

    the old folks are invading social networking!

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