Foraged fruit and the last leftovers

I am now 100% recovered but still playing catch up with posts.  Good thing I had decent reserves in the freezer (and leftovers) to bridge us through until I could replenish the void of anything fresh in the casa.

The fruit bowl was almost totally empty (which I seriously try to avoid), but guess what (?!) there is a pineapple guava tree at P’s school.  Foraging ftw.  I had to google what to do with them, but now I’m excited.  We ate them plain but the kids were meh on them, so maybe I’ll make jam next?

After drop off for #1 I squeezed in a piece of grain free banana bread and vegan cultured butter before drop off for #2.

I had a weird lunch sitch (on account of not having gone to the store yet)…don’t worry, I got there soon thereafter (my whining won’t go on forever, I promise), but for this meal I was foraging in the fridge and came up with this.

Leftover kale salad.  Leftover carrots.  Leftover Vietnamese salmon.  And then the rest of thisssss…

Later on I balanced that out with kale chips as a snack.

FYI, I didn’t like the zesty nacho flavor as much.  It was ok, but I wouldn’t buy it again.

FF to dinner.  I pulled all of this straight from the freezer.  If I could show you my emoji reaction to this it would be hands in the air!!

I posted about the cauli casserole back here.  I made the “cheese” sauce with tofu and cashews and nooch.  Since I made a huge amount last time I had frozen the second half of it, which I pulled out (along with the steak) when I first got sick because I knew I’d need something for the fam.

If you live near Davis and there is ever an emergency, I am fairly certain my house is the next best place to go after an actual grocery store.  At least for organic whole food.  😛

Anyway, I’ll have more recipes coming because this week’s veggie recovery was delicious and I am excited to share.

Sneak peak!

Doesn’t it look like a Christmas recipe?  The season is legit upon us and I’m not sure how THAT happened but here we are in November…

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