Girl Power

Can you believe this!

I started my morning with NPR, which got me all riled up. But then after breakfast, we headed to downtown Sac.  And…

I can’t even describe the chills and optimism I felt this morning, walking hand in hand with my family, surrounded by thousands of people who want to protect women’s rights.

It was peaceful and perfect.  Our presence in Sacramento (and every other sister city who marched that same morning) sent a message.  And while my kids don’t get it yet, when they do, they will be proud to know that I’m doing this for them.  They are the future and they need to know how to treat all humans with kindness and respect.

My peeps.

We ended at the Capitol building.

So happy I did it with my little hippies in toe.

I’ll be back with food stuff tomorrow, but this is too big not to talk about now.  Get active.  Be heard.

This is the resource my fellow Davis resistance fighters are using, if you don’t know where to start. 

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Comments (5)

  1. Jenna

    Way to go, Elise! 👍 My family and I just finished the Portland Women’s March. United we stand.

  2. Jeff Dieden

    Excellent! As we said in the 60s and 70s, “Right on”, Elise.

  3. Angie

    I desperately wanted to protest yesterday but we were in the middle of getting a foot of snow and I didn’t want to take my baby and 4 year old put in it. I had friends marching all over. I haven’t watched any coverage of the inauguration, it just makes me so upset, but I keep reading articles. One organization I am going to donate to is the Obama Foundation and obviously Planned Parenthood. I hope and pray we can get through these next 4 years. I know I will everything in my power to not let him get reelected.

  4. Neha

    I am a longtime reader but have only posted a handful of times. I wanted to say thank you, from Philly!, for marching. So many of the blogs I read totally avoid posting anything like this and I totally appreciate it and it is so very important.

  5. Elise (Post author)

    Hi and thank you!! Couldn’t have said it better. It is SO very important.

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