Grandparents & a 49ers win

Wild Thursday night over here!

V and I made dinner while the boys were at cub scouts building a race car for the pinewood derby next weekend.

I roasted tempeh marinated in sesame oil, liquid smoke, tamari, and maple syrup to make “bacon” flavored croutons for a Caesar salad. There were a few pieces of kale in the mix too, which turned into kale chips. Yummo!

The rest of the salad was romaine and kale tossed in Tessamaes creamy Caesar dressing. V used a real deal serrated knife to chop all the romaine! Then we topped our bowls in leftover sautéed tofu and dug in.

(Lefty) Lula’s dark aloha rocky road (Righty) chuao birthday cake

Two of my faves!!

I am love love loving my newly free Friday mornings with my girl. She never outright said it, but I got the feeling that she was kinda done with stroller strides. So I stopped! I thought I would miss it more, but I don’t. Probably because the solo time with Valley is so precious now…I don’t have that much longer before she starts school so I’m trying to soak up every second with her (she goes to preschool four days a week). Wahhhh…ok I can’t go down that spin cycle right now.

Kyle’s parents came to visit so I made a coconut curry chicken salad which I served with rice and a simple salad.

They brought chocolate! The Johnny Doodle dark chocolate salty fudge bar on the far right was WOW. Have you ever seen this before? It was new to me! Might have to import that from wherever Beverly found it in Idaho on the reg. 😛

Look at those fudgy bits!!! Yes please!!

The next morning was this guy’s first basketball game! Kyle is coaching him and I don’t think I have witnessed anything sweeter. Kyle had a blast.

After the game we went to farmer’s market and met up with some friends, so the kids played for hours while we ate and chatted.

That night we went to Sakura in Woodland.

V has very mixed feelings about teppanyaki. 😉

She is decidedly NOT a fan of the noise and fire that go along with the cooking process.

He is though. Obviously.

Everyone else chose steak, but I got salmon.

It was good but I like my salmon a bit under. My favorite part is actually the basic salad with miso dressing. I loooooove that dressing.

Anyway, it was a fun night and then we said goodbye to Kyle’s parents and went back home to get everyone in bed because the jam packed weekend was barely under way!

We had to divide and conquer on Sunday, so I took V to a birthday party, while Kyle took P to my parents’ house…where we met up with them later.


Also, TACO NIGHT! My dad usually fries the shells himself, but last month we came to realize that frying 40 shells was in insane feat that nobody should bother undertaking. At my suggestion, we let Trader Joe’s do the heavy lifting this time around.

Here’s a flashback to November’s taco night…

See? Way too much work in my opinion when there are so many grandchildren present. Family time is the best.

So yeah, TJ’s shells FTW. And my mom even made chocolate walnut brownies for dessert which I didn’t take a pic of, but you can imagine they were good because there’s nobody who is better at making desserts.

Both kids slept horribly that night and then P threw up twice the next morning and of course Kyle left for a week out of town, so then I was left trying to figure out how to get home in between waves of sickness.

But then, like a switch flicked, he was suddenly better…

He even convinced me to let him go to a birthday party play date that afternoon.

Truth be told, I was sold the second I found out it was a drop off party and that V was invited too because I reallllllly needed to go grocery shopping and did not want to do it with the kids.

They had a ball and I arrived early at the end to hang out because I had already put all the groceries away and made dinner.

Which was a hearty grain bowl of brown rice, kale, walnuts, almonds, feta, dried cranberries, and lemon miso dressing.

You know how the night ended, right?

Yes I ate it all. Duh.

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