I packed too much stuff in

Literally and figuratively I packed WAY TOO much in over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I hardly know where to start.

Isn’t this view gorgeous!

We were blessed with amazing weather for a day trip to Mendocino with all my sisters and their husbands.  And my parents watched the bebes, so we could spend the night and really enjoy the time away.

But of course, I can’t forget Thanksgiving fooooooooood!  I have to post about these dishes separately. It was a fantastic day.

And my sister’s birthday was the following Friday!

And then we got to surprise P with tickets to the Nutcracker.

OH!  And Kyle and I went to the Niners game, too.

Phew!  I told you it was a busy few days…I will be back soon with more details but in the meantime, the instant pot I have is on MEGA sale because of Cyber Monday.  Go buy one for yourself or for someone else asap.  🙂

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