Jetlag with a side of chocolate

I am back in LA, even though I have yet to finish recapping my time in NYC.

We got back late the other night, so I figured with the time change I would sleep in a bit more than usual.  Wrong.

I got a bunch of random errands done in the morning though, which meant when my sister arrived at 11 for brunch I wasn’t a total scatterbrain.  This is the sister who has been traveling the world for the past 6 months…and she’s only been back for a week, but has already booked a flight back to South America next week.  As in, six days from now. 

We went to Huckleberry for brunch.  She got the usual

After we parted ways, I headed to a doctor’s appt.  This was my first check-up in I-don’t-know-how-long (bad RN), and I got referrals to an IBS specialist and an allergist.  I can’t wait to get more info as I head down this FODMAPS path. 


By the time I got home I was starving, so I made a big bowl of yum. 


The dominant ingredient was chocolate.  It was healthy though.  I promise. 


While I was away, a package from Foodbuzz came with LOTS of dark chocolate for me to try.  I love being part of the tastemaker program!


I normally prefer carob to chocolate…it takes a very special dark chocolate to win over my taste buds (the bitterness just isn’t my thing).  But it’s hard to have a box full of chocolate bars sitting on the counter without digging in…even if it is breakfast time!


This is Ghirardelli’s NEW flavor – Sea Salt Soiree


Thank goodness the serving size isn’t one square (that would have been a bit lame). 

Shout out to San Leandro, CA (local company what what)!


I had two squares alone, just to test the “intensity” of the dark chocolate.  OH.  MY.  Definitely going to hoard these bars all to myself (sorry Kyle). 

I nearly abandoned the rest of my (healthier) breakfast ingredients on the spot to finish off the entire bar…but I managed to practice some restraint.  I broke up two more squares and added them to a hot bowl of quinoa.

IMG_1761 IMG_1760

On top of that, I added kaia foods raw cocoa bliss buckwheat granola, a banana, and almond milk.


As the warm quinoa melted the chocolate squares, the milk turned into a brown cocoa mess.


If there was ever a dessert bowl that hit the spot, this would take the cake.  Pun intended.


Are you jealous yet?  Go make this now. 

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Comments (17)

  1. Alexa @ Simple Eats

    Yep, I’m jealous. Sea salt chocolate is definitely one of God’s gifts, and a mushy banan-y mess sounds fantastic!

  2. Alexis @ hummusapien

    I’m more than jealous. I wish I got packages of chocolate in the mail!!

  3. jessy jones

    That looks like a bowl of totally delicious goodness. I will have to make something similar to that soon! 🙂

  4. Dee @ GF Grad Nut

    I just tried the sea salt soiree last week, yummm. I think I ate the whole thing in < 3 days.

  5. lynn @ the actor's diet

    yum! i love that buckwheat granola

  6. Lauren

    Major jealously right here! 😉 I want to come home to a package of chocolate bars! I think I need to go eat a few extra chocolate chips for dessert after reading this post….

  7. Abby @ Abz 'n' Oats

    Umm holy yum. Extremely jealous right now! I have been craving chocolate all night. lol. It is currently raining and 40 degrees here so I have unfortunately munched on way too much other stuff that didn’t satisfy any craving. Chocolate craving must be satisfied tomorrow! lol.

  8. Lenna

    Your breakfast looks so sinfully delicious 🙂 I love melted chocolate in my porridge/granola/yogurt messes…. And those choclates look so good! I also prefer carob to chocolate, but I wouldn´t mind trying these 🙂

  9. Carissa

    Ooo I love buckwheat! I had something similar with chocolate and quinoa and it was horrible. Yours looks better 🙂

  10. Sarah

    I went to see an IBS and FODMAPs specialist today, so I’ll be on this journey with you! Looks like I have all the symptoms 🙁 Boo. But thank you so much for flagging this for me. I had seen this on other blogs before, but it wasn’t until I saw it on yours that I started to think it was worth investigating, since I seem to have similar digestive issues to you (and a similar love of apples…*sigh*).

  11. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFiles

    I’ve been wanting to try the sea salt chocolate! Salt and chocolate is one of my favorite combos. Along with anything and chocolate.

  12. Pure2raw twins

    YUM! a bowl of heaven right there!!

  13. Yolie @ Practising Wellness

    Okay…melted chocolate for breakfast!! 😀 Ummm…YES PLEASE, lol! 😛 That looks ridiculously insanely scrumptious. I must recreate my own version, lol! <3 And Ghirardelli’s Sea Salt Soiree = amazing! xyx

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  15. jess (i heart betseys)

    trader joe’s gigantic 5-pound chocolate bars are my fave. the dark chocolate with valencia peanuts is the best. did i mention how much i miss you?!?! besos.

  16. Karen

    Also check out Kate Scarlata’s blog. Lot’s of info, recipes, etc from a registered dietican specializing in GI issues including the low-FODMAP diet. Good luck to you and feel better soon.

  17. Karen

    Looks yummy! Thanks for the inspiration…like I need inspiration to eat chocolate! 😉

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