LA LA land, day 3

Another morning, another run on the beach…

Rose Cafe has always been Kyle’s fave brunch spot in LA, so obviously we had to go.

It’s been redone, so the interior was a bit different, as was the menu.  Kyle was kinda bummed because Rose Cafe is where he first fell in love with eggs benedict and there weren’t any benedicts on the whole menu.  They used to have a bunch of different ones.  🙁

I was in the mood for something sweet, so I got the cinnamon roll with vanilla glaze that I first laid eyes on in the case as we entered.

It was sweet and I kinda wished I had something savory to even out the sugar rush, but oh well. It’s vacation so whatever!

Kyle got the chilaquiles.  He said they were good, and the portion was great, but they were too spicy to share with V, which we were planning on doing, so that was a bummer.

Luckily we got her a kids meal (scrambled eggs with braised bacon).  She liked it all, obviously, but it definitely wasn’t the most well rounded meal.  I brought pancakes, applesauce, and dried mangoes for P, and so she had some of the dried mangos too.  The bacon was so thick it was basically pork belly!

I ordered a decaf cafe au lait that took an INSANE amount of time to arrive. They lost my order, then they made one and served it to someone else, and then finally I got it…after everyone else was half way through their food.  I want coffee first and foremost in the morning so that was frustrating.  Nobody should ever deny a parent with young children coffee when dining out.  That’s like restaurant code 101.

We went to see friends after breakfast and then walked to a park, where we hung out all morning.

This park is one I walked past on a daily basis back when we lived in Santa Monica but I really never thought one day I’d be playing here with my kids.  Sure I’d see kids there and even when I pregnant, knew that it was a possibility, but it seemed so distant, even then…because I think deep down I knew we weren’t going to raise our kids in LA…and now here we are!  It seems to bizarre as two parts of my life, past and present, merge in this way.

After the kids were napping we ordered take out from Cafe Gratitude.

“I Am Glorious” – tempeh wrap for Kyle

“I Am Dazzling” – Caesar salad for me

My girlfriend came over in the afternoon and we caught up while the kids napped. Once they woke up we walked to the beach.

More friends met us there with their kiddos.

It wasn’t too warm, so we didn’t stay long, but it was still fun.

P realized what a fun hobby collecting seaweed is, which he then used to decorate his sand castle.

Dinner time back at the rental.

Rice bowls with avo and sausage for the babes, plus fruit and carrots on the side.

We ordered take away from Gjelina.  Aka the scene-iest scene of all in LA.

We shared an order of pork meatballs and kale salad since we weren’t too hungry.  The salad was so simple, but for some reason SO good.  After the kids were in bed we decided to watch a movie and settled on one of the very limited roku options, Finding Dory.  It was SO CUTE.  I loved Finding Nemo, so it was no surprise that Disney and Pixar nailed it yet again.

We ate dessert while we watched.  I started with this ridiculous seven layer bar that I got from WF, but once my sweet tooth got a hit of sugar it needed more.

Which is where this chocolate covered coconut thing came in.  Droooooool.  I ate both in entirety, oops.

After the movie was done we went to go to bed and P was waiting for us at the glass door that goes into both bedrooms.  He scared the crap out of us, just peering out at us through the glass! He said he had to use the bathroom and needed water, so we got him all squared away and then tucked him back in (quietly so as not to wake V).  As we were leaving, he asked why we were watching Nemo and Dory.  !?!?!?!  We smiled and laughed a bit, thinking it was funny that he must have seen the end of us watching it (also that he even knew who those characters were!?!).  The next day we learned through more and more questioning that he basically watched the whole movie!  Standing on the other side of the clear door!  With no sound!! So hilarious.  Thank goodness that’s the movie we chose to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comments (4)

  1. Kris

    Hey Elise! Fun reading about you hanging out in my hood! I’m skiing Tahoe this week or else I’d invite myself to bike over and say hi! Have fun in Lalaland!

  2. Lauren

    We lived in Santa Monica for a year and I used to take my daughter to that park every. Single. Day. She called it red slides. Just seeing that pic made me all nostalgic!

  3. Elise (Post author)

    AWWWW! We must have been neighbors! We lived in 11th and California before moving to 12th and Broadway.

  4. Lauren

    Omg we lived on Euclid and broadway! How random!! We lived there from October 2014 to oct 2015

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