May showers, Spring flu-wers

We are in un-catch-up-able territory.

Kyle was gone for a week. I threw my sister a baby shower. I got the flu (IN MAY). V got pneumonia. Ashes ashes, we all fall down.

Considering I made most of the food served at the shower I was really worried, but I didn’t show any sign or symptoms of illness until the exact moment the last guests left. I never saw it coming!!

Fortunately, it seems everyone from the shower made it out of the weekend with their health still in tact, so obviously my hand washing technique is on point.

I used everything from our CSA in the quiches, sautéing the veggies in EVOO first, before adding them to the whipped eggs and then baking them. One had sun dried tomatoes and chard and the other was green onion, green garlic, and leek.

In addition to the quiches, we made a bunch of cream cheese and hot smoked salmon canapés. It took far longer than I anticipated to assemble them all, but I think they were a big hit. We made half on melba toast and half on cucumber (as a GF option). And they all had Kite Hill almond cheese because my sis is dairy free too.

My sis made GP’s thumbprint cookies which are SO good. They are from My Father’s Daughter and a simple google search for “Lalo’s Famous Cookies” will take you to the recipe. They are mainly made from barley flour and almonds, which was pretty ahead of it’s time back in 2010 when she wrote the book. Ok, enough fangirling for Gwyneth. You guys know I’m a fan already.

V was the only little lady at the shower and she was so well behaved, especially considering that she skipped her nap. She was a super helper with presents and very much enjoyed the food…but by the afternoon it became clear we needed to get home sooner rather than later because I was going downhill.

Kyle had just gotten home from a long trip the night before so my body was definitely without any resources to fight off whatever was going on.

What to do with TEN pallets of strawberries??? Call every single friend.

Some friends brought other garden goodies to exchange, like arugula, chard, and oranges.

But I still ended up with several bajillion berries to work with…

It’s a tough job.

Kyle was gone for parts of the weekend and I kinda struggled to parent, but thankfully by the time I realized I was SERIOUSLY ill (Monday) he was able to stay home. I was fully out of commission on Monday and much of Tuesday, but things are starting to look up. Well, at least, they were, until V came down with pneumonia.

So the week has been interesting…and I’m really looking forward to a healthy Mother’s Day weekend!!

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Comment (1)

  1. Ttrockwood

    Oh ugh…. the flu is the worst! Sometimes i think our bodies just know when we have been asking too much and pushing too hard and they just get sick to be able to rest and recuperate. And poor V! Yikes! No fun at all.
    That is an absolutely bizarre ton of berries!! Like how did those all even fit in a regular car?? Also, i wish i lived nearby i would gladly take some off your hands :))

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