Pearly whites & snowy nights


After my sophisticated breakfast of an apple and frothy cup of coffee, I headed to the dentist’s office for a routine cleaning.  Since I was in midtown, I met up with Kyle after my appointment to show off my sparkling new pearly whites.  I owe my cavity free chompers to these babies.  Kyle and I went for a little stroll before he returned to work.


Entering through Artisan’s Gate (Central Park South and 7th Ave)…


A crossroads in The Park (if there’s ever a park to be capitalized and deemed “THE” park, it should be this one)…


Much like The Donald’s hair sitch, there was something interesting going on atop the Trump tower in Columbus Circle.  However, unlike Mr. Trump’s comb-over hairdo, the way the towers were reflecting in the sun was beautiful.  Sunlight makes the snow much more bearable. 


Pigeon perch.

I tried to put off lunch as long as possible because my teeth felt so amazing (and I wanted to prolong the feeling forever), but eventually my stomach let me know enough was enough. 

Conveniently I was in Columbus Circle at the time…which meant…


Whole Foods love.


In the bigger beast: seaweed/sesame salad, baked ‘fu, kale, swiss chard, spinach, quinoa, carrots, haricots verts, edamame, shredded squash/zucchini, and I don’t remember what else.

In the smaller: lentil dal and MORE baked ‘fu.

After lunch, it was errands time…followed by apple time…and then next thing I knew it was exercise time!

I wasn’t amazingly inspired, in fact, it’s a miracle I made it to the gym at all.  I ran a wimpy 2.5 miles and then rode 3 miles on the spin bike, and even though I felt like it was a pretty pathetic workout for a day off of work, I am literally SO proud of myself for just making it to the gym at all.  Snowy days like these are my biggest enemies…all they want to do is hinder my healthy lifestyle.  With each day being a small battle for me, it was nice to get one in the win column. 


I had the rest of the Gardein’s seasoned bites on a big salad for dinner. 


These “bites” were atop spinach, steamed broccoli, and carrots.


Kyle always saves me the heel pieces of bread because I love them so.  I don’t even need to include it in our vows, he knows what’s up. 


Talk about big and beautiful!  The end pieces have more booty than J Lo. 


Caramel apple dessert – yes please!

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Comments (34)

  1. MarathonVal

    What a sweet fiance! Congrats on the run today, I feel the same way about having a half ass run today… I ran 2 miles plus walked about 25 minutes and it felt like such a weak workout but ya know what, for the winter, I’ll take it… my motivation wanes when it is so cold and dark and gloomy outside! At least spring is on the way!

  2. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    I LOVE the Columbus Circle WF! The William’s-Sonoma there has an awesome free sample bar, as well 🙂 Yay for getting the workout in!

  3. snackface

    Ughhhh I NEED that caramel Oikos!

    Your–omg I just typed “husby”–fiance is so sweet for saving that ass for you!

    And I say any workout is a good workout! xoxoxo

  4. thevivagirl

    Ugh, totally know what you mean about crappy weather being the nemesis of exercise… I had a similar win today though! Good on you 🙂

    I am SO jealous of WF hot bar food. We NEEEED WF down under!… And by that I mean in Australia. Heh.

    PS In case you didn’t realise: new reader ‘lertttt. Your blog is the bomb girly. Just call me an addict. I’m Beth by the way 😀


  5. welshsarah

    Nice work on the gym. I keep on getting the urge to go for a run but there’s a massive brick wall at my front door that I can’t break through to get out into the cold. Maybe today’s the day… I do feel like my muscles are turning to sludge. Oh, and I used to LOVE the heel pieces of bread (pre-celiac days). Never heard them called “heel” pieces though… interesting… maybe it’s a US thing?

  6. Claire

    The heels are totally the best slices! Haha, fun to see that someone else has their SO save the heels for them!

  7. Jenna

    What a great dessert!!

  8. Susan

    You and Kyle sound like you’ve got a groovy thing goin’ (in the words of S&G, not me). Walks through Central Park – I want to come visit NYC!!!!

  9. blueeyedheart

    Am I missing something?! It snowed yesterday?!

    <3 <3

  10. ellie

    Def true love when the best part of the bread is saved for you. I want to try the caramel Oikos… Have you seen the chocolate one yet?

    Yay for working out on your days off! Totally hear you on winter putting a damper on healthy lifestyles. WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE SUMMER?! Oh wait. I live in Scotland and am lucky to have 2 days in a year when it gets over 60 degrees. Roll on July when I am in NY.

  11. ksgoodeats

    I need to find a man who will save me the heel pieces – best part of the loaf. Genius with the caramel apple dessert, pure genius.

  12. Jessie (Vegan-minded)

    Yummy Whole Foods goodies! I’m telling you, anything you put into those brown containers magically tastes good together, no matter what it is! Way to go for going to the gym on a snow day! We don’t have snow here, but we get a ton of rain, and I conveniently use it as an excuse to not exercise sometimes. 🙂

  13. s.

    the heels are my FAVORITE! good for you for le gym… any victory is a victory, no matta how “small.”

  14. Holly

    gah…columbus circle whole foods = the best. when i stepped in those doors, i knew i had stepped right into heaven.

    caramel apple oikos loving = genius.

    have a fabulous weekend dear elise – lotsa love to ya!

  15. Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen)

    What a nice workout and it looks like some super good eats! What a great day!

  16. Michal

    I wish I could go to whole foods to get me some fu’ action tonight yum 🙂

  17. ethel

    I share your passion for your love of the heels (esp since I have now been restricted to wearing them once a week according to my orthotics dr…sigh…I get them in 2.5 weeks!)

    Love them pearly whites and love love the fact you and White Christmas went for a stroll at such a romantic spot! Jearrrous! Off to el gym despues del trabajo! You inspire!

  18. Brigid

    We buy the same bread. It’s so tasty!

  19. Katie

    I agree, sunshine makes the snow infinitely more bearable.

  20. Quinn

    Caramel in my yogurt? Yes, please.

    Hope you guys didn’t get too much snow in NYC like we did down here!

  21. Cole

    Yum. I’m definitely jealous of your Whole Foods lunch.

  22. julie

    we’re chatting right now. oh hey what’s up..

    where is your xanthum gum intake for the day..

  23. Just Audrey

    That Whole Foods food looks. So. Good. Ahhh! I’m drooling. 😀

  24. elise

    hi beth! thanks for reading and delurking 🙂

    no WFs down under?!? tragic…the aussies need to get on that.

  25. elise

    hmmm, maybe it is a US thing? heel pieces, end pieces, whatever, they are the biggest and best part of the loaf. im sorry you cant enjoy them anymore 🙁
    my muscles are very confused lately. i will work out randomly and then take 4 days off…and my body will think it’s getting a vacay. then i eventually make it back to the gym and my body cant remember what to do…oh brother.

  26. elise

    ummm, have you been in the park lately??? its covered in snow.

  27. elise

    the chocolate flavor is a snooze. caramel is excellent! do you have them there?

  28. elise

    oh man…i may be a spoiled new yorker when i say this but i actually think the columbus circle WF is the worst one! the union square and upper west side locations are soooo much better (im basing this on prepared foods/vegan wise). still WFs is always a treat!

  29. elise

    are you talking about shoes or the end pieces of bread??

  30. elise

    no way…you guys got WAYYYYY more.

    ps thumper in the snow was TOOO CUTE. i showed kyle the pics too 🙂

  31. ellie

    No. We only have Fage, and only in plain or the honey twin pot. They discontinued the cherry one I loved 🙁

  32. elise

    bummer 🙁

  33. ethel

    LOL…bot the bread and the apparel.. 😉

  34. elise

    ok good, just checking 🙂

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