Phone peek

I average 10-1000 photos a day on my iphone but they rarely get uploaded because they automatically sync with our family google account, so as a result, the real life (people) pics are few and far between here on the blog.

But I figured I’d upload a random few to give you a sneak peek into our daily life.

We start the day with “school”, which doesn’t last too long, but enough time for them to tackle a few different subjects. There are things he has to do, but of course she has nothing, so I am constantly coming up with age appropriate things to occupy her while he’s busy. And then I also supplement his work to fill in the gaps and keep him interested.

He is super advanced for his age/grade level, so everything we do is at his request. He loves these graph paper designs I make and then have him replicate.

As most of you know, he goes to an immersion school so he is used to being instructed in Spanish. So we do a LOT of things in Spanish.

But in truth, he is very self motivated so he is reading NON STOP. Whatever he can get his hands on. And now he is excelling in English too.

After the morning stuff is over, we do PE (inside or outside depending on the weather). Inside faves are Kidz Bop dance videos and outside play is either biking in the cul de sac or around the greenbelt.

If the morning is dragging, I will put on a show for them until lunch. We are loving the Nature series on PBS as well as The Magic School Bus Rides Again in Spanish.

After lunch, they have quiet time. The first hour is separate and the second hour is together. This is just free play time. They go through phases of what they do – building houses for dolls with magna-tiles, pokemon and unicorns, competing in top chef with her kitchen…it’s honestly a total smorgasbord.

In the afternoon we try to get outside as much as possible. We mainly stick to the front and back yard, but we are very lucky to have massive open areas nearby, full of places to explore.

If they end up super dirty, I throw them in the hot tub before we go back inside for the evening.

Outside dining is making a major comeback. And facetime play dates are still going strong. They each have class zoom calls almost every day of the week, which is a little much for me, but it’s their sole connection to their friends so I make sure we fit it in.

We have discovered several new local places for adventuring.

And the rest of the time you can find us cooking and crafting.

Cooking and crafting.




Yesterday my parents came for a social distance visit and I was OVER THE MOON about it.

Major mood booster.

I hadn’t seen them since the weekend before shelter in place back in mid March. It was soooo good to talk to other adults in person and see their faces. We stayed in the backyard the entire time, aside from a nature walk around the neighborhood.

And that’s basically the biggest news that will happen to me for the next month! Or at least until we figure out how to live our lives in this new state.

Speaking of living our lives…

I finally went to the grocery store!

I spent an obscene amount of $$$ (which you know gave me mucho anxiety), but it was a big step for me.

Kyle has been urging me to go and “see the outside world” lately, because he knows it would do me good to know that things are not falling apart outside of the 1 mile radius from our house that I have ventured.

He was right. While things are definitely different now, it was nice to see fully stocked grocery shelves.

I went at night after the kids were in bed so that the stores wouldn’t be crowded and took my time to get every random food thing that I’ve been getting by without. And then I got more.

I got a ton of chocolate, which turned out to be redundant since Mother’s Day was that weekend and the kids got me sweets, but you can never have too much chocolate!

They also got me this Bread Illustrated cookbook for mother’s day, which I utilized that very day!

We had this gorgeous cranberry walnut bread for dinner that night!

And now I don’t need to go to the grocery store for another 2 months!

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