Piece this together

A recipe with photos only?  Do you think you could handle it?  Who are we kidding…I’m no culinary master, so obviously you can follow this process (I promise it’s far from nuclear fusion).  Half the ingredients are from the frozen foods section of the grocery store. 


Here goes nothing.









So there you have it!  Did you catch the super complicated steps?  Sometimes you need a no-muss no-fuss option after 12 hours on your feet.  That’s when it’s good to have Gardein products in your freezer. 

I tried the Mandarin Orange Crispy Chik’n first at Expo.  They made the dish on the stove top, which is definitely a preferable way to prepare it.  However, Kyle called on the way home to inform me that the oven’s fuse was out.  Bad timing indeed.  So.  I made do with the microwave; steaming the broccoli, thawing the faux meat, and then adding the frozen sauce in for the last few minutes.  And guess what, it still turned out fabulous!


Holler at me with your fave frozen stand-by products. What’s in your freezer right now?

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Comments (32)

  1. czechvegan

    My freezer is almost empty now – there´s just a bag of walnuts and a bag of frozen peas…but these to are my “staples”, so I am ok with it:)

  2. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    you know ive never tried gardein products but i want to now !

    in my freezer are TONS AND TONS of raw/nobake dessert bites and balls.

    sometimes i only want the flavor of a few..and i wind up with 2 dozen. so i have tupperwares full of every flavor known to man so when the craving hits, i have the right doughball on hand 🙂

  3. kissmybroccoli

    Hmm, in my freezer? A couple of chicken breasts, some frozen fruit and veggies, LOTS of nuts, and TJ’s Masala Veggie Burger. Love being able to reach in for a veggie burg to pump up the nutritionals in a salad!

  4. britchickruns

    Loads and loads and LOADS of muffins. I bake a LOT of muffins, and always freeze some…so I have about 20 different varieties in there atm :s

  5. Kirsten

    Bread! I always hoard this amaaaaazeballs Julian Bakery sourdough bread that they sell at WF. They only seem to have it in stock every once and a while, so when I see it I go crazy buy out the place. So good.

  6. cbrady3

    Frozen broccoli and edamame, amy’s burritos, Dr. Praeger’s burgers, TJ’s meatless balls, and a Whole Foods vegan pizza!

  7. Abby

    Dr. Praeger’s burgers, TJ’s whole wheat tortilla, Ezekiel english muffins, spinach, stir fry veggies, frozen peaches, frozen raspberries, a few individually portioned meals from leftovers I’ve cooked, and organic dark chocolate! 🙂

  8. Kelsey @ Unmitigated Grub

    Love the recipe with just pics! I really want to try gardein products.

    In my freezer: granola (weird, I know, but it stays fresh and crisp!), Ezekiel bread, veggie burgers, and a lot of dessert balls that I froze to prevevnt me from eating the whole batch at once!

  9. elise

    clever idea freezing the balls. i think im gonna try that! plus then they may taste a bit like frozen cookie dough. mmmm

  10. elise

    um, yeah, i need to get my hands on the goods in your freezer.

  11. elise

    nuts? is that where youre supposed to store them?

  12. Anna

    I love this mandarin orange chik’n! I even have it in my freezer as we speak. I didn’t have the cojones to stick em in the microwave after reading the stove-top directions on the packaging but now you’re living, breathing proof that it’ll be just as good and I can save myself the process of cleaning an extra dirty pan. Thanks!

  13. Paula

    Glad to see Dr. Praeger’s burgers getting some love in the comments! I also love Sunshine Burgers – veggies, sunflower seeds and gluten free to boot! The Southwest flavor is particularly delicious.

  14. elise

    i am living breathing proof. happy tummy too!

  15. elise

    sunshine burgs are legit but so pricy!!!

  16. Robin

    Anything by Amy’s!

  17. actorsdiet

    i love the wordless recipe post. why do we always feel we have to explain everything?!?

  18. Emma @ Namaste Everyday

    deveined shrimp! So easy for a quick dinner 🙂

  19. Lauren (Diary of a Vegan Girl)

    I love Gardein products!

  20. Krissy

    The freezer is where I keep my fav foods!! Veggies Burgs (Amy’s & Sunshine are where it’s at!!) and Food for Life’s Brown Rice Tortillas and Bread – which are basically my version of crack 🙂 lol

  21. Juliette

    Looks good! Is that “chick’n” good? I have only tried a couple different alternative “chick’n” products and was curious if this brand is a good one. Thanks!

  22. Juliette

    Looks good! Is this “chick’n” brand good? I have only tried a few “chick’n” alternatives and was curious if this one is a yummy one. Thanks!

  23. elise

    I’m a fan!

  24. Katie

    Looks easy enough! But not easier than lime popsicles, which are pretty much the only thing in my freezer right now. Some edamame, too.

  25. hippierunner

    I NEED THAT! I’ve been daydreaming about that chikn ever since you first mentioned it. I guess I would find it at Whole Foods? Sadly it has not shown up in Target yet. If I had that, I wouldn’t have to go to Echo Park every time I want vegan orange chicken lol.

  26. elise

    I agree! Let’s get on that target!!

  27. elise

    Preggo sounds so very fun.

  28. BroccoliHut

    I am surprised to see how reasonable the sodium count is! I expected it to be through the roof.
    In my freezer: two boxes of vegetable masala burgers, at least 10 bags of frozen vegetables, and almost as many bags of frozen fruit.

  29. Kristin @ FoodFash

    This is my go-to lazy (Amy’s Black Bean Enchilada) – http://www.amys.com/products/product-detail/whole-meals/000051 .

  30. tea-bag

    in my freezer at (most) times: nuts (i don’t even use them in baking – i just like to eat them frozen better than room temp), bananas (same as the nuts), big batches of protein muffins, turkey muffins, poached chicken breasts, bread, tortillas … damn, i’m a freezer hoarder!

  31. janetha

    whew. i think i got it. complicated, though.

    my freezer: vitatops, normandy blend veggies, wedding cake and a shitload of fruit.

  32. elise

    Omg you still have wedding cake!!

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