Plaza Mayor

Madrid, te amo!

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Comments (18)

  1. teabagginit

    i am so jealous of your vertical leap! i can seriously only get two inches off the ground!

    oh yeah … i’m jealous of your trip to spain, too! šŸ™‚ hope you’re having fun!!!

  2. czechvegan

    Plaza mayor is amazing place. When i was in Madrid, we went there evryday:)

  3. Pure2raw Twins

    Jealous I want to go back there! So much fun!!!

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesandYoga)

    I wish my photographer, i.e. the hubs, could capture shots of me jumping mid air. We struggle with straight ahead, on land, “basic” photography. lol

    Have a blast girl!

  5. Amanda

    Looks like a blast! I’m going to Spain in a few weeks and I am way way too excited.

  6. elise

    this was the fifth attempt – if that makes you feel any better?

  7. Gavi @ GaviGetsGoing!

    This photo makes me miss Madrid so much! I lived there in 2007 for seven months, and it remains one of my favorite places in the world. It looks like you’re having a fabulous time there! If you get the chance, check out the botanical gardens right next to the Prado. They should be beautiful this time of year! Que lo pases muy bien! šŸ™‚

  8. Katie

    that’s the best picture!!!

  9. Deane

    I love all of the colors in the pic! Whoever took it has mad photography skills capturing you mid-air!

  10. sarah

    Love your shadow! Great post–no text necessary!

  11. Jenny

    Way jealous!!!

  12. Jess

    Great picture. Hope you’re having a wonderful time!

  13. robin

    Great shot! I’m so jealous! I was a Spanish major in college and never got to Spain! I’ve been to Mexico a few times and Guatemala twice, but I’d love to see Spain!

  14. Andrea of Care to Eat

    I had the best churro at Plaza Mayor on my honeymoon. Please tell me you ate one. Also, please tell me you’re hitting up the museums in Madrid šŸ™‚

  15. elise

    check and check(s)

  16. janetha

    damn. elise gots jumps!

  17. Laura

    I’m slightly freaking out because I just went to Madrid (plaza mayor with the creepy goat gypsy?!?!) AND Paris, and I haven’t read any more of your posts yet to see how many other similar places we went but I’m basically JUMPING with excitement! Oh, and I was recommended to look at your blog because I was told we both eat insane amounts of apples. YAY apples!!

  18. elise

    thats hilarious! (and awesome)

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